manix mania

The new manix sounds good,but the 154cm I not sure about.I would rather see it in a better steel like cpm d2,cpm s90v,cpm m4,20cv,.Why 154cm is it to cut costs?????????.
I think 154CM is an excellent steel, besides, with spyderco it will probably be the better CPM154 :p

I think an initial run that will be ready for the "average knife knut" will allow spyderco to know how many they have to put out for the sprint runs :D
This thread got me thinking about my Manix. I'd actually forgotten all about it, and had to dig it out of my old Rubbermaid container of knives. This thing is a tank!!!!!! I had forgotten how awesomely comfortable is it is the hand. Amazing ergonomics.

My Manix standing victoriously over it's latest opponent.

I VOLUNTEER!!!:D i'll be a test subject!

in fact, i'll get 2 of the new manix2!


cheers, kimo