Manix2 Pilot Run - Contest!

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Spyderco Moderator
Apr 20, 2005
As most of you know, we recently announced that we would be releasing our Pilot Runs for new US Made models (for a refresher, see this post for a Pilot Run explanation

We produced a 50 piece Pilot Run of the Manix2 with 154-CM. Turns out the Manix2 is quite popular with our Crew (;)) leaving us with a small number actually available for sale (MSRP $129.95).

Instead of selling the Manix2 Pilots on our site, I'm going to be giving them away. I have 2 that I will give away here, and 2 each on 2 other sites, for a total of 6. Please keep in mind, this is not likely to ever occur again.

During the Pilot run it was determined that the Manix2 would go into production with a hollow-ground blade. So, I have both FFG and Hollow-grind to give away. I will randomly choose who gets what.

I thought about being creative, but in the end, simplicity wins. Pick a number between 1 and 2998. The two closest to the numbers randomly chosen will win. These threads have a way of growing, so don't forget to use the "Search this Thread" tool for the number you'd like. Duplicates won't count and you've only got one pick. Post in this thread.

I'll leave this open until 1200 (MDT) on Wednesday, 10-Jun-09.

Oh, and in case you need a reminder of the Manix2, please see the beautiful shots provided by The Deacon (thanks Paul!) here...

Good luck!
COOL! Thanks for the contest Kristi! I might as well try my old boat number here, 598.
I'll go with 1965 Lucky number since I was hatched that year.


BTW, are bribes OK?
303! my old area code back when we were neighbors :)

thank you for the contest, very cool.
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