Max Dorner Razor

Dec 10, 2005
I have a WWII era straight razor marked Max Dorner Solingen Germany on one side of the blade and Best Silver Steel Extra Hollow Ground on the opposite side of the blade. Has a yellow bakolite handle. Was wondering if it was standard issue for German troops or was it personal. The box is light tan with DORN SOLINGEN in green letters along with TRADE MARK made in Germany on the top. Any ideas of worth to WWII collectors?

Got out my old trusty Goin's Encyclopedia of Cutlery Markings and M. Dorner was located in Solingen and in business from 1919 to 1924. Hope this helps you some. As far as value...put that bad boy out on eBay. With a nice handle like that and if everything else is good, there just might be a feeding, er bidding frenzy!
Get it cleaned up with MAAS or other metal polish, take a close up of the blade
and measure the width of the blade. On Ebay, on any given day, there are 800-1000 razors available. Your's might go for $20-40 max.
This razor looks very similar to another I saw recently at a flea market it had red handles instead of yellow. It also had a Swastika on the handle set into the pearl inlay and the word Lindbergh on the blade. The sellers were claiming that this particular razor had been given to Hitler by Charles Lindbergh.

I don't know if they had verification for this claim but they were asking a phenomenal price for it and I did not care to pursue the issue any further.