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memphis gun/knife show 8/11/01 scarey as hell

I no longer attend gun shows, not only due to the executed STUPIDITY I read about here, but also due to the morons who I see capable of such idiocy.

The incident with the expert checking the .40 cal? That moron should be arrested and dealt with properly, like a public flogging and flaying. Sounds like a poster child for HCI. The cop who is checking the Berreta? Yes, it was entirely his fault. He was squeezing the trigger, no one other. Discharging in a public building without double checking the chamber, idiot. Should be stripped of his badge for the simple reason he is to deal with them every day and an accident with deadly force will play the same, intentional or not.

For the record I own several firearms and enjoy their ownership, as well as haivng intentions of owning more of them, but I will not permit myself to be in the vicinity of too many people I do not trust, although I support a concealed carry law in IL. Weird contradiction, or is it sorta like I enjoy my beer but getting around too many people drinking can lead to bad results? I will not train knives around people I do not know and trust, nor do I enjoy being around people with firearms I see no evidence of similar responsibility.

In any case, Fever, you done good man. Congrats on quick thinking as well as the willingness to head into potential trouble, someone nearby discharging and another guy yelling "i've been shot!"
At one of the big Tulsa gun shows last year, some idiot shot off a round accidently. Pretty sure he went straight to jail.
FD - Glad you were there!

I used to do the gun show circuts around here. Been a shooter since a very early age. Going to a show and watching the fools there is an education in itself. Basic firearm safety rules as well as common sense seem to be a thing of the past for many people. Watching fools wander around holding firearms with their finger(s) on the trigger is enough for the staunchest of gun rights advocates (me) to understand where the press and HCI get their fodder.