Message to everybody. It ain't over 'till it's over.

Mar 5, 1999
I am either stupid or one of the most hardheaded SOBs in the world because I'm getting up for round 101 after being knocked down 100 times.

The last knockdown was nearly a knockout -- call from Pala. I won't get into the details but it was such bad news hearing about life in the trenches right now that it put me into a state of depression.

With all the problems we've encountered over the past few months there are times when I really want to hang it all up. I think about going to a little place I used to go in Baja California -- spot on the beach, little cabana, swim, fish, watch the sunset -- no phone, electric generator. Fish and maybe a lobster if you can grab one, rice and refied beans. Good beer and tequila. Be lazy. Maybe get a dirt bike to ride around. Snorkel. BS with the locals. I've got more than enough pension to cover this and still have plenty left over. It's a Lorelei with a very powerful call and I keep asking myself, "why in the hell don't you do it?"

Here's why.

Because I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. Reason, because I'd know I had betrayed myself, betrayed the rules of conduct that I set up for myself years ago. Never quit. Never give up. If you get knocked down get up again. ad infinitum. And, I'd go to bed every night thinking of the kamis and sarkis. Do they have a job? enough to eat? Are they cold? And Bura and Kesar and his 20 dependents would come to haunt me in my dreams. I am still haunted by the children who worked at the brick factory so I know about hauntings.

And if Pala and I quit the Maoists win and we can't let that happen.

I am not perfect. I falter and get weak but it ain't over 'till it's over. I'll probably die at this goddamned screen trying to peddle a couple of khukuris and old hardheaded Pala will probably die or get killed trying to figure out a way to keep BirGorkha running but that's our karma and dharma.

Om Mani Padme Om.

Stay tuned.
You're a better man than I Uncle Bill.

I'm glad you're not hanging it all up, and I'm sure all those folks who depend on HI for their livelihoods are as well:)

Glad to hear you are up for 101! You have a ton of supporters out here to help. ...

I'll gladly go watch the place in Baja for you and Yangdu until you're ready to retire! (you know, keep the place dusted. ... water the plants, keep the crabs from overrunning the place) :D .

This is definitely good news. Uncle Bill, you and the people at BirGorkha have my deepest respect because of this never give up attitude, as well as concern for each others well being.
Best man I knew in this life died tryng to make a dream come true for others and himself. You've already outlived him by at least 10 years. Do what you can and make friends along the way. There are worse fates by far than to have the boys in white show up with the ambulance some distant day to haul the old man away, with a couple of Khukuris still in his hands. (and the phone ringing..)

I envy you because it is an honor to have people need you.

Keep on keepin on Uncle Bill. Never give up! If you can figure out a way to get them here, we'll figure out a way to pay for them!

Expected nothing less from you.

You don't get no pats on the back, but you do get the respect and support of others like you.

And we do take care of each other.
Originally posted by Rusty

You don't get no pats on the back, but you do get the respect and support of others like you.

When I grow up I wanna be like Uncle Bill. :)
Except for the drinkin' part. :D :rolleyes:
I'm proud to know ya Uncle Bill! If only the world had more people like you.....

I know we will make it through this storm!
Totally wrong, Bill.

You are NOT "peddling a couple of khukuries" you are operating one of a very few international businesses from Nepal. You are operating it honestly and ethically, even rarer. You are providing employment and livelihood for about 200 people. You are providing what is unquestionably the finest product of its kind in the world. Face it; how many men on the entire planet can ever claim all that? So things look bleak now...they'll get better. I and the others are praying for the safety of Birghorka and the families, but also for you to have courage to weather this period.

So reach down, grab your credentials and make sure they are still there. Great. Now, *when* are you going to okay a bit of assistance for the Birghorka Transportation Fund? I only have two khuks, you know and would like to know that one day I could get another.

best wishes from Georgia
We all get hurt and we all can feel down, but remember the words of General Geoge Patton:

"The Test of Success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."

That was quite a bounce!

You are a successful leader Uncle Bill. I am proud to know you.

Bill Marsh
Come to last, the only question is, "Did I do my best, and did I make a difference?"

Uncle Bill can face that mirror and truthfully answer yes on both counts. And that's all that matters, surely.
You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more than will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination. But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period -...- surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
-Winston Churchill, 1941