Mick, Strider fans Check out two of my favorite things

Hello Jason,
Why the cell phone in the above photo? You sure as hell don't need to be calling 911...
The cell phone must be for contacting his BANK!

HK is the high end candy of the gun world!

Very nice collection Jason!
Ok, here's mine.

<a href="http://zvis.com/wepn/gunimgtmpl.shtml?/images/knives/fix/skc/podstmh.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://zvis.com/images/knives/fix/skc/podstmhi.jpg"></a>

That is a hell of a collection you got there, Jason.

So where's the can for the MK23? ;)

Originally posted by Cooper
Nice Para Gator. I love my 1640 LTD!
Yeah, very nice ;) Had 20K+ rounds through it alerady, like new, never had a prob...