Mike Williams MS Forged Damascus BIG Bowie! Lots of Pics!!!

Jun 5, 2002
Well, I had some trouble taking a decent overview of this giant bowie, this is because with the wide, looooong blade, and its curvature, it was tough to have light play evenly across the entire blade, i'm still not thrilled with the picture, but its a start.

Ill add some of the closeups since I believe they were lost in the server crash.

When looking, keep in mind how HUGE this think is, the handle looks smallish only because the blade is so large, in the hand, this knife is something to behold, you feel like a pirate. :)




I love the big belly and the curve in that blade.

I imagine that if, say, a lonely young cutlass shacked up with a traditional western bowie one night on shore leave, the offspring might look like this.
Yeah Baby! Now we're talkin'! :D That is one sweet big freakin' bowie. Love the broad, curved blade. Very scimitar-like. Nice stag too.



PS - How wide is that beast at its widest point?
Scimitar - that's what I meant - not cutlass. My bad...
Looking at that just makes me old before my time.
(I just look like one of my dogs slobbering and drooling all over the place.)