

Dec 28, 2001
I have one more thing to say.
The USS Thundertrinket can destroy a city,( Is this a bad thing). but it cannot defeat a thousand men with rifles.
No. long as it's not *my* city anyway.
Ships can not, and have never, held territory.

What they can do is starve or impoverish a nation, or destroy its cities, or place large amounts of troops on its beaches, or even influence its foreign policy with their mere presence - but they cannot actually hold territory. Take territory, maybe, but not hold it.

Men with rifles? A very different story.

Without knowing more details, if I had to pick sides in a scrap, I'd rather be on the ship...but I'm biased in this regard.
To say that the second amendment is a paper dragon is plain ignorance. If AMERICANS wanted to overthrow our government we could. Especially while our forces are in Iraq, Afganistan, Korea, Germany, Cuba... We'd have to be willing to die for that liberty, but we could do it, and it has been granted to us. I cannot believe someone questioned whether 225M armed people could overrun 1M well armed folks. That is pure...nevermind
Thread veer alert.

391 - 400 of about 281,000 for aardvark recipes

Would you believe not ONE of them, so far, is a REAL recipe?

So much for Google.

(Back to your regularly scheduled programming.)
DannyinJapan and Spectre;
I thank you for your kindness towards the forum. Your forebearence is dutifully noted and appreciated. If you save enough of these ribbons on the door to your refridgerator, you may not be entitled to a raffle for a single shot Savage rifle that does not work.

How can I get ribbons to stay out of the raffle?
Nasty, this is a dream come true for closet nilhilists. The kind of gift existential preoccupied pundits dream about; a non chance to win a non functional but BRAND SPANKIN NEW Stevens single shot rifle. They've got us down to one shot, with a safety system for today's litagation that makes the weapon in actuality murderously dangerous. This is a can't miss, will never win scenerio. And if it cannot save the life of one child, but takes it instead....

Man, I get luke warm just thinking about it.


(thank the Lord I oiled it before using.)
Thomas Linton said:
"SEEL" Sea Ether Land? :)D )

(Topic: trraditional Marine scorn fo' Swabbies?)

traditional coast guard saying when someone does something really dumb: "i know a marine smarter than you" - said that to one of my shipmates once while filing into the wardroom, the guy behind me was our helicopter pilot who'd just reported on board. turns out he was an ex-marine helo jock who'd transferred over to the CG. he was not impressed. he also outranked me by two grades. interesting voyage, that.
Someone questioned the original intent of the 2nd. Amend. Speaking of tanks and such.
No army has ever defeated an insurgency with conventional means.
Ever hear of Shay's Rebellion? :)

Right here in the good 'ole US of A. Put down conventionally.
The Mongols were pretty good at eliminating resistance in conquered areas. Their means were pretty conventional for the times: horse archers and lancers. 'Course, they had no problem with "collateral damage."

Are concentration camps "conventional"? Using clearance of areas and regular military units, the American-Philippino War was brought to a successful conclusion -- at least from our point-of-view. "Civilization" "with a Krag."

I offer for consideration the thought that not all peoples are willing to go on resisting conquest after losing the "conventional war" or when they are incapable of offering conventional resistance.