Mini Recon/Recon/Code 4 handle thickness comparison

Mar 27, 2013
I'm debating weather to buy a full sized Recon 1 or one of it's smaller relatives. My big concern is the thickness of the handles, I like the look of the code 4 but not the thinner handles. I like the thickness on my Mini Recon 1 but was also wondering is there was thicker handles on the larger blades. Any of yo guys have any of these models to compare? Also any input about ergos are appreciated.

Thank you
Thank you very much Seneca! That's sort of what I was looking for, So I guess the mini is a bit more slender, now of someone would like to chime in with a Code 4 I'd be very greatful
If you scroll down a bit, there is a thread that gives the thicknesses for the old and new versions. It seems the mini is now 10mm thick only, if I recall. The Code 4 is about the same.