minus 17F outside this morning

I love the cold, but f--- that...... Shrivels me testes just thinking about it.....

Yeah, Ren, Life is a bitch. It was all the way down to 34 here this morning. It's back up to about 60 now though. The winters are just getting tougher and tougher down here.

It was nice round here, not too hot for jeans but shorts woulda been good too.
If you'd just move out of that God forsaken country (Canada is it???) then you might not be so cold....:)

It was nice today, a little windy.
Low this morning was around 40 and got up to 65 this afternoon.
Gonna be in the 30's tonight, so I'll have to turn on the heat. :D

I have to keep coming back to this forum to look at the fine cutlery.
I feel I can only say "WOW, those look great, or Damn, that's sweet" so many
times before it become annoying.

You've got some great looking knives Mark. :D

Thanks Mike,

It's been windy as hell here the last few days.... I went to play golf a couple of times and just said screw it after about 1 hr of the ball basically holding in mid air....

It used to never be windy here but so many people have cleared land that it's creating a wind channel off the 3 plateaus that meet around us....
