Modified INFI vs. INFI

Oct 12, 1999
I just had an interesting experience in regards to the differences between M-INFI and INFI. Last night I was playing around with my #5 and decided to see if I could cut the bottom out of a large metal tin. The #5 went through it no problem, it actually cut the metal as opposed to just driving in in! When it was over I found that the edge had rolled a fair bit so I decided that now was an oportunity to practice my sharpening skills. With my EdgePro I am master of all things sharpenable
but my free-hand skills lead something to be desired. So anyway I'm working the edge and I get rid off the roll and I can get it to cut paper but not shave. Frustrated I break out the EdgePro and put things right. It still wouldn't shave. I got my NO and decided to use it as a a comparisson. Both knives have been re-profiled to a "V" grind, they are both 23 degrees, and both sharpened to 320 grit on the EdgePro. The NO will shave, the #5 will not. If I increase the grit I can get the #5 to shave. Interesting, eh? Seems like there is a noticeable difference between M-INFI and pure INFI. Guess Jerry was telling the truth all this time