modified Mackinac hunter


Gold Member
Jul 29, 2006
Keyman transformed this Cold Steel Mackinac hunter for me. The factory version scales were too thin for me to get a good grip. Keyman added just a touch of thickness with these orange G10 scales, and finished with a slightly rough, i e grippy, finish. It now works perfectly for me, and I can find it!! I had modified the clip point to a little bit of drop point. These mods really improve the way the knife feels. Tho my favorite hunting backup is the Cold Steel Ultimate Hunter, this is now a perfect field knife/edc for me.


new scales just the right thickness

original scales just too thin for a working knife, at least for me
Well done, though personally I prefer the clip point of the original design, and I find orange hideous so it's not to my taste at all.
That looks really nice. I love the choice of orange for an outdoor/hunting knife. If you drop it you can easily find it. I wish CS would start using a few different colors of G10 on their knives, such as orange. That Mackinac looks much better with those smooth G10 scales that the factory. I passed on them because they were too thin and were, well, ugly. I like yours, though.
THAT is an awful looking color! Were it done in bright canary yellow I would have loved it; been queer for yellow knives since Moses was a corporal.
Impressive mod, those scales really change the whole knife. Are they held on by the two existing screws only? How secure does that feel?
feels really solid. original scales were held by 2 screws as well
Impressive mod, those scales really change the whole knife. Are they held on by the two existing screws only? How secure does that feel?
Thanks. After some research I learned these were just discontinued, so of course had to order one. I would like to try something like that myself, hope it comes out as nice as yours.
I was trying to find a replacement for their Ultimate Hunter, a knife I really like, yet was also discontinued. The Macinac does pretty well with the handle mods. Hope to see pix of yours when finished.
Thanks. After some research I learned these were just discontinued, so of course had to order one. I would like to try something like that myself, hope it comes out as nice as yours.
If it's worthy of pics, I will...

BTW, the Ultimate Hunter has been re-released this year. Looks pretty good too.