
WWII aircraft, gotta go for the P-61 Widowmaker, twin engine nightfighter. 4 X 20mm cannon, 4 X .05inch machine guns in a remote controled turret.
Had a alright monkier at one time but it vanished, went to log on tonight and it was gone..gone damnit..just like that, cut down in my monkiers prime. Now I'm "just Dean C.".
Take care and have a safe 4th of July. Dean
WELL according to my sorces;(name dictionary)mine means
David = beloved or freind
Brown = a beautiful color:D
but I think David Brown = knife nut:D :D :D
or Plastic bender!!
Back when we finally got internet access, (I live in a rural area and a 'phone call ANYWHERE is long distance!) I had just come home from my 2nd Glock armorer course (I still have my original G17 that I bought in Dec '88) and I thought it was kinda catchy. Seems kinda corny now, but I could have used worse, I guess.

Of course when I went to GlockTalk all the forms of GD were taken, so over there I'm VA27, a reference to Attack Squadron 27, the unit I was in when I was in the Navy ('66-'70), AD(J)2.
Mine comes from my days at the police academy. One of my fellow recruits told me that I looked like a stump. Nothing real exciting.
I think screen names are great as long as the person fills in the fields with their real identity. It irritates me when someone comes on a forun under a fake name and stirs up trouble without having the balls to sign their own name to it.

David Brown the King of holsters and knives look
so good wrapped in your kydex...I am picking up my Strider
at the Phx gun show this weekend and look forward to another
one of your custom sheaths...Strider Rocks....!!!!
I wasn't referring to anybody that wishes to keep their identity private as long as they don't stir up **** and try to provoke an arguement.

Jackie Chan.............

I Wok the Wok:D :D :D
now you guys play nice:D
Brandon - Bright fire on hill or light on high...
McKinley - Scotch/Irish - Scotish origin.

This is an intresting tread... one I wish I had a tag name for but I was thinking logiclly when I first signed on and just never changed it.