

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2001
I'm interested in picking up a Mooremaker stockman, the 4" buffalo horn handled one. The model number is 2301. Does anyone here have this knife? If so, could you guys post pictures, especially of the backsprings. I know Camillus made the horn MMs, that is why I want to see more pictures than the ones I've seen online. The one Camillus knife I own has an extra liner that I think is just aesthetically hideous, although I know it was probably done to keep a blade from rubbing against the handle.
Okay, I read the posts regarding the past QC questions on Mooremaker, and I have a still wondered something.

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but if there is a problem with a Mooremaker knife like blades rubbing together, or bad spring walk, would'nt that be reflective of Queen's lack of QC as they were the ones who made it? (or Camillus if it was delrin)

I admit I have never understood the Mooremaker thing. I love slippys, but why would I spend the extra money to buy a knife from someone who is having the knife made by another company and just putting his name on it?

I'll admit I tend to be "thrifty" in my spending, and the prices of a Mooremaker have put me off a bit.
The only reason I "had" to have one was my last name is "Moore." :) I have a 5-blade sowbelly and I got it used for $50. Works for me - but I don't have plans on buying any more MM. I've "too many" (so I say now) slippies as it is and while I might be tempted into a custom or a new little GEC.
Mooremaker had two companies making its knives, Camillus and Queen. Camillus made the buffalo horn knives, Queen makes the bone handled ones.

As to why someone would spend more money for a Mooremaker than its equivalent Camillus, the Mooremaker comes with buffalo horn handles. I like natural handles for my slipjoints and am willing to pay a little more for them. I also like the main blade on the Mooremaker stockman, it's different from the ones on the stockmen I have. Plus, there is nothing new with one company making knives for another. From what I've seen this practice is decades, if not centuries old.
I have the buffalo horn 3 7/8" punchblade stockman. I don't have any pictures but if I get a chance I'll take some. There is no extra liner, and fit and finish on this knife is very good. My most frequent and probably favorite EDC is the same knife in yellow delrin. Moore Maker has final say on the QC, and although I know lots of people have had experiences to the contrary, I've had very good luck with MM knives by both Queen and Camillus, and I own about ten. The three Camillus made MM's I have are all great and are three of my favorite knives.

Edited: I just looked again at one of my MM stockman and I guess there is a double liner on one side. I never noticed it before, and I still don't think it's aesthetically unappealing.
I have several MM knives, and I like them overall. I have two buffalo horn knives, and I do like the bone handle queen ones better, although they are no less likely to have some issue as far as I can tell.

All the MM's that I have are trappers of some kind and one moose. They are all keepers. My favorites are the even end trapper and the stag regular trapper. I do have plans to grab a 3 7/8 stockman, because while I am not really a big stockman fan, I love Case 47 patterns, and the 3 7/8 MM looks a lot like it.