Moran drop point

Mar 20, 1999
Are the Moran drop point knives out yet? I saw a pic in a magazine the other day and I want one.
I got mine from NCBlades and it's a neat addition to the Spyderco fixed blade repetoire. I'm not sure how I feel about the Tek-lock, but otherwise the knife is great.
It has replaced the swept point version as my inside the sportcoat pocket carry knife.
I did modify the sheath a little at the throat, to make it a little kinder on my thumb when extracting (it pinches).

Buck Collectors Club Member # 572
Dedicated ELU
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)
Here is mine:

A lot of cutting power in exceptionally lightweight piece, just right for my laziness. Very comfortable to grip, for me at least. If you use your knife as God commanded - for pure cutting - I can hardly imagine situation when you could need more. Amazingly sharp out of the box!
However my friend couldn't find his grip position and considered that he would like more traditional handle.

Also very comfortable to carry, Tek-Lok clip allows a lot of carry options.
I really like the one that I got last fall from NCBlades. I like the sheath also. The hilt is super comfortable to hold and to use and the drop point amkes it easier to use as a skinner, I should think. I know that I use mine to do similar sorts of work to skinning.

Walk in the Light,
Hugh Fuller
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">It has replaced the swept point version as my inside the sportcoat pocket carry knife.</font>
You probably already know, but that's not exactly legal, according to CA law.

Buck Collectors Club Member # 572
Dedicated ELU
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)