Most proven folder locking system that's not CS.

So can’t watch them even for mere entertainment? Lol
I could try, but my self control is lacking, hard not to get angry at them for the suffering it causes my brain, best for me to avoid, and for those not sensible enough to see the stupidity, but for others it might be amusing, and maybe that is why people keep watching it? :confused:
A really old lock system that I'm impressed with is the old Gerber bolt lock. It's only downfall is it doesn't make that loud click people like to hear. Spyderco re-hashed it only to cancel it later due to lack of sales. I just wish they had offered it on other models then the Sage 3
I use all my folding knives like they are slipjoints, even if they are locking folders. Reason being I still use slipjoints regularly, and I don't want to pick up "bad" locking knife habits or automatisms that may close a slipjoint on my fingers. As I just don't put spine/closing pressure on blade while using it, I never had a lock fail on me. For any wild stuff, I'll grab a fixed blade.