MPT lands in Hawaii!


My number is 233, right after my brothers 232. :cool::cool:

Aloha bro2, what is your brother's number backwards?:rolleyes: Hmmmmmm, and your bro have the only 232 and 233 MPT Gray's in the WORLD!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Hope you are having a great time with it...just play safely with our bro okay?:D

God bless and thanks;)
Hey ,

here a few pictures of my home-made Kydex from Böker MPT :)

my MPT has the number:023


Suh-WeeeeeeeT pics Knifebro!

I figured it'd have some kinda potterma handle by now!;) BTW, is that a #0039 ya got there? Happy to hear ya like the MPT, and shoot...we should do a serial number shout out or something...I am curious who has what number.:p

Take care, and God bless!:cool:

thanx Chad,
yeah its #0039...
another great design.... :thumbup:
keep 'em coming Daywalker! :)

Nice sheath work traser!
This seems like the most versatile fixed EDC I've come across. great work Chad and to everyone else supporting him!:thumbup: (yes, including myself:cool:)