Multiple Machete Folks


Oct 19, 2005
This week I'm doing 4 of the mult machete orderers orders. Just a heads up.
Two Hands - 4 Knives :thumbup:

Whatcha gonna do? - first :D

Can't wait to hear the reviews
Mmmm, sounds like I might be coming up, too! I'm fairly sure that the universe will collapse when I get my Fiddleback 12 inchers in proximity to my Wildmanh square-ended sheaths. I don't think that kind of win is safe. I'll let y'all know when it's about to happen, so you can prepare your loved ones.

I need to find out how much my 3 are going to cost, and get the funds sent!
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Hmm. Mine must be in there too if Izula and Silverband are getting theirs. :thumbup:

Silverband.......#17....#7.....#7...... -
Might boil down to runs of handle colors....not to mention the fact that Andy didn't say what sizes he was doing in this batch. It won't necessarily be in order on any given list.
Hmm. Mine must be in there too if Izula and Silverband are getting theirs. :thumbup:

Silverband.......#17....#7.....#7...... -

Yours wasn't in this batch. I'll get them in the next one.

Pick me! Pick me! :)

Yours are in the batch.
Yo Andy? whats the likelyhood i am in this batch?

And as for the other order. one set scandi the other convex? sounds good???

Thanks bro
Arijer, you are not in that batch. You want one of each knife in the batch Scandi, and one convex?
Arijer, you are not in that batch. You want one of each knife in the batch Scandi, and one convex?


I just cant bring my self to answer or talk, that first part the sentence, its just too painful
OK. I have machetes complete for Skrapmetal, MD25V (12"er), Izula, and smoke-n-mirrors.

Thanks guys!