My 4 yr old is a knife knut

May 21, 2001
She is watching me open mail, and I flick open my Lg Plain, and cleanly slice the envelope, and she goes in a soft, low voice,
S e b e n z aaaaaaaaa!!! The wife rolled her eyes. God, I love my kids.
My 2.5 year old daughter calls every knife a pocket knife. She used to ask me what the clip in my pocket was all about, and I explained it to her. Ever since, she says she's gonna have one too when she's bigger.

I haven't explained to her that she's also gonna be the best bladefighter in her kindergarten class (knives left at home of course).


I almost forgot this, I had just received a Benchmade catalog in the mail and brought it to the playground to look at while the kids played. My 7 yr old runs over to me with a Benchmade Ascent knife she just found in the sand! Magic!
Another time, she found a small swiss army keychain knife.
Next trip there, I'm bringing a Chris Reeve catalog!
I have two younger foster brothers, 3.5 and 2.5 years old. The younger one always comes to me pointing at my pocket going knife? knife? knife? knife? And if he's hurt or crying I'll ask him if he wants to hold the knife, he'll then choke it up and I'll let him hold it for a few seconds(CLOSED!! while my hands around his, no possibility of him getting hurt whatsoever). Works everytime :)

I'm going to have to teach him to say Sebenza, that was sweet.
