My CPK hurt my feelings.

This is more or less why i EDC a fixed blade. Been EDC'ing the FK since i got it, gonna post a review in another week (maybe sooner)

I receive a lot of boxes (corrugated) and as much as I try to reuse and recycle, as I also have lots of outgoing, I still need to cut quite a bit because my incoming containers are a lot larger than outgoing (I retail online). So far, I have gotten away with just Staple type box cutters but I say darn, I have all these great knives in super dooper steels and yet I resort to $10 box cutters! Ridiculous, I know. However, I just can't bring myself around to using the FK for that purpose. I bought a GSO-2.7 which I finally received last week, but its small overall size didn't lend itself useful for that EDC purpose. I'm hoping that if I should be lucky enough to land an EDC, I will also let go of EDC'ing folders for now.
Shirley you mean the EDC which you'll be getting on Friday 8/29? ;) :p

I've already agreed to proxy on that sale as I do not know which handle materials will be ready and I want to make sure I get a good look at the options before I get one.

Also, I told you 100 times I am not that guy who won 2 on his first post. Really! I would tell you if I had one.
the edc will kick those boxes right in the ass. There is a mechanical advantage built in which should provide plenty of leverage through that cardboard
and don't call me shirley!
I've already agreed to proxy on that sale as I do not know which handle materials will be ready and I want to make sure I get a good look at the options before I get one.

Also, I told you 100 times I am not that guy who won 2 on his first post. Really! I would tell you if I had one.

Stop it or I'll spill the beans that you're actually a time traveler :D
I must have had one of my senior moments again! He said that in one of the Naked Gun movies, didn't he and I was going way back thinking of the Airplane flick :eek:


It is Airplane, 1980.
OK then, now I've completely lost it!

I was correct the first time around :mad:
S35VN can hold a good edge....not going to compare to M390 or anything, but it can be a decent steel...but certainly not the way they treat it at CRK. I have a couple customs in S35VN, and it is never going to be my favourite steel, but it certainly isn't a bad steel.
Yes I realize the Sebenza is not a carpet cutter. This was not 20 year old carpet that has been in place and filled with dirt and sand or anything. It was an area rug from Ikea, maybe a year old that had been laid over top of a piece of underlay. I move it every week to clean underneath it. I didn't expect my Sebenza to be a lightsaber, but I didn't expect it to miserably fail like it did.

I think S35VN is a good steel, but perhaps would be optimized better with a different HT. I can tell you it can't even come close to holding up against D3V in this specific comparison.

Just saw this thread. Certainly not trying to add fuel to the fire but this brings back some memories.

In around 2000 I bought a large sebenza (BG-42) and one of the first things I did was cut up some carpeting. Totally dulled the edge in a very short time and that really surprised me considering the price paid and the reputation at the time. I was surprised enought that I suspected a faulty heat treat and quickly sent a message off to CRK. They were very supportative and offered to examine the knife but suggested that carpeting was really tough on blades. I wish I could remember exactly how much carpeting I cut at the time because yes, carpeting (especially old) is tough on blades and maybe I had unrealistic expectations but I was disappointed at the time. I don't remember what I ended up finishing the job with but I have much better knives now than what I had then.

I still have the knife but it hasn't cut carpet since and the price for the BG-42 versions has gotten so ridiculous that I don't even carry it anymore. I shouild probably sell and buy something I would use more. It does have some sentimental value though.

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As I've said before, give the Sebenza a rest and try this $25 Kershaw RJ Martin design Tactical 3.5 instead: It performs like an expensive knife...


This is not the first time I hear the Sebenza or S35V have poor edge-holding... I experienced the same with S30V in a top maker...

8Cr13MoV is said to be close to 440A or Aus-8...: Plenty good enough to actually do some work...


So looks like Gaston is a liar. This sebenza beater of his that he claims performs like an expensive knife he admits to never actually using:

Not true for mine: I got a Kershaw RJ Martin design "Tactical" 1986 for free, as an extra, with a $500 Al Mar SERE, and the free knife was as well made and better designed than the actual purchase, which needed a heavy re-grind... It is also an incredibly positive assisted flipper, and if I ever use it and the edge holds up, I would consider it the best folder I have ever owned...


So not only does he troll the makers subforums he also uses lies as his arguments.
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^ yeah, we're not supposed to edit posts. Or I'd just change a lot of stuff to "I like turtles"...

I mean, who doesn't like turtles?
^ yeah, we're not supposed to edit posts. Or I'd just change a lot of stuff to "I like turtles"...

I mean, who doesn't like turtles?

If you'd like I will edit it out :thumbup:

Just thought you all would like to know more about our local troll who is posting pot shots at great companies in the makers area :barf:

and I love turtles!


What the hell is wrong with that goat??

And secondly, you mean a guy who trolls forums is not 100% honest in his posts? I don't believe it.... it just can't be true.