My First Rawhide sheath

Oct 29, 2006
This is my first attempt at a rawhide sheath.
It sure is messy work. :p

Had a few stumbles but overall I am happy with this.

Thanks for looking.





Looks really good to me. I really like the belt loop. Well done.

Very, very neatly done! Is there a reason you did not put the smooth (seams) side out on the belt loop?

Thanks all for the comments.

@Paul.. If you mean flip the loop so the folded side is facing in then there is a reason not to.. the belt catches on the seams and makes it a real bugger to put on the belt. The opening is small enough so there is a good friction fit on the belt and it won't move around much but that would make the threading the belt even worse.
I did try it but this way is way more functional and I think it adds a bit of extra detail and a bit more to the rustic nature of this style of sheath.
Great looking sheath, love the way the rawhide matches the knife handle.


Thanks again for your support everyone. It's appreciated.

A special thanks to John M Cohea... your tutorial over on PaleoPlanet was a great help.
Your welcome Mr. Branson.This is the reason I put the tutorial together. There is not a lot of info out there on this type of sheath work, and I wanted to shorten the learning curve for those that wanted to give it a shot.
That looks great!! Excellent job!! I really like the way the pattern in the leather matches the knife. Keep up the good work!!
It really is a great tutorial. The guy who wanted this sheath didn't want the tassles and such but your including all the little details makes it a veritable wealth of information.
I've read the thing several times and I'm sure I will be back to look for more ideas many more times.

Thanks again.
That sheath looks fantastic! So does the knife - they make a great pair. :cool:

John, that is a very nice tutorial. Thanks for the link. :thumbup:
that looks really nice:thumbup:
The sheath tutorial referenced above should become a sticky in this forum, or at the least the link should be a sticky.

Thanks for the nod Paul. It would be great to see the link made to a sticky, as there seems to be an increasing interest in this style of sheathwork with very little info available on the subject other than this one and a couple Chuck has done.