My Hero!

Feb 16, 2000
Please stand at attention when you read this post!

Staff Sergeant David Owens, Front and Center.

Staff Sergeant David Owens has AGAIN set a new standard in human evolution.
Our world is a better and safer place because of it.
In my life, I have not witnessed a more determined, dedicated and motivated individual, nor have I encountered such in depth knowledge of EVERYTHING having to do with WAR.

Further details are not required.

my RANGER Buddy and Brother, my blood and life belong to you.
YOU lead, i will follow.

That is all.
Stand at ease.

What's Ranger Dave gone and done now? I'm kinda scared by the human evolution comment.
God bless Dave, Ranger type, 1 number.
He is the only man I've met that makes Gunny Highway look like a slacker.
Lead on brother Dave
Just got off the horn with Dave. He is well on the way to becoming the best CCT guy in the history of the Air Force. You Army guys are definetely at a loss on this one!
"Wyatt I ain't got the words..."

Congratulations Brother.

An uphill road, against the odds, middle of a rainstorm, at night, at the intersection of four maps and you kicked it in the ass.

Get us some dates.
Congrats Brother! Keep it up and keep me posted on any celebrations.:cool: Glad to hear you're doing so well.
Stay Safe brother and BZ for your efforts,