My Take On The Sand Shark "In And Out".

Oct 2, 1998
Okay, FINALLY a couple of manufacturers are making what we automatic knife lovers have wanted for years; a quality "in and out" automatic. Charging handles REALLY suck! A big hassle to get an "out". :barf:

I went for an MT UT6 awhile ago when the furor died down and when they were more realistically priced and thankfully so! Let me start out by stating I applaud MT for making it! It's a perfect size and a wonderfully useful blade shape. The UT6 is a good "in and out" but it has it's shorcomings. It's shortcomings are; blade wobble, (sometimes), loose firing button, (sometimes and are you seeing a pattern here?), and imperfections of overall build quality. A REALLY nice try though!

Now to the Sand Shark:
PLUSES: Light years ahead of the UT6 in overall build-quality and integrity, (nice job Jim!). Still has some very minor shakes but really nice! NO blade wobble. Slight, (but very slight!) firing button looseness BUT has a tensioning screw RIGHT ON TOP, (DUH! MT!)! Fires much smoother and easier the UT6 without the UT6's "vague" feeling. The handles are a joy to feel! So smooth and no rough edges. A beauty just to hold and feel!

SHORTCOMINGS: Absolutely USELESS blade shape! I know, I know, dagger or double edged blades are "cool", "kuwell", or they "rock" ,(whatever). :barf: They also have TWO edges in case one goes dull but I HATE 'EM! This is MY thread so don't slam me with all your complaints on my opinions concerning this, (thanks :)). Compared to the UT6, the Sand Sharks' handles are large and somewhat cumbersome but are solid and really "rock-like". A much better, solid feeling, "tank" of a knife! WORTH the extra size just for that alone! Last shortcoming: rounded, (READ "hastily secured"), handle torx screws.

Is the Sand Shark worth the extra $100.00-$125.00 over the UT6? A resounding YES! BUT put one out with the UT6's useful blade shape and size and NOW you're SAYING SOMETHING!
Oh yeah, the little "sock" that comes with it is nice but a zippered pouch would have been "nicer"! :rolleyes:
I own both also. something in the middle I agree would be almost perfect. The Sandshark is great but C'mon, Am I going to pull that out in a crowd of strangers when someone says "anyone got a knife?"
Don't know where I'm going with this. I just wish the were more quality OTFs out there. I carry a UT6 regularly and actually use it everyday. The new DKW looks very cool but still not something I would use.
Yeah.., I have to say I was dissappointed that the Sand Shark doesn't have a more utilitarian blade (or an alternative). Of course as Gene mentioned there is certainly a "cool" factor with a dagger profile.., and the knife does perform well in the "rock solid" sense.

As Armsraised remarked., I suppose somewhere in the middle would have been good for me also.., but frankly I've never had an OTF of any kind I'd offer if someone said..."Hey does anyone have a knife?" :rolleyes:

It seems to me that most of the non-knife community would view any OTF in much the same manner regardless of the profile...

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"