Native clip

Dec 28, 2007
Any one know how the clip on the native 3 holds up (wire one)? I want to get one but im hesitant about the durability of the clip. does it come off easily? will it bend? how does the whole knife as a whole campare to the endura (which is better)?
I've had mine for three or four months now and I haven't had any
problems. I actually think I like it better than the flat steel clip
on my delica3. As for removal I think its easier because its just
one screw that you can take off with a coin if need be. Also any
clip can be bent if you try hard enough.LOL
I carry a Dodo half the time, and haven't had any problems with the wire clip in 4 years. I have a Native III, and the wire clip is fine on that, too. The Native doesn't get quite as much carry, though, so the Dodo gives better info on long-term durability.
I've carried a Native III for over a year. I have had no problems with the wire clip. I find it catches on things less than my solid clips.

It doesn't come off easily unless you take out the bolts. It does not bend easily.

Don't have an Endura. Have a Delica. I like both but like the Native III better because it has a more hand-filling handle and the blade is a tad thicker. It feels a bit beefier in my hand.