Need help before my wife kills me. How to clean old ferric acid off concrete...

Muriatic acid. Swimming pool acid.

It's what's used to etch concrete. It'll even dissolve iron. Eats through grease.

Rinse it off quick.

Problem is, you're going to have a bright clean patch of concrete. In that spot. The rest will look dirty.

Good Job, you really screwed the pooch on this one.
I'm not sure you're gonna like the results if it's finished smooth concrete like you find in home garages. But we used to use muriatic acid to clean rust marks off of textured pool concrete. (Think foot marks left from wrought iron tables, umbrella weight plates and such)
If you're worried about the muriatic on the concrete, find some citric acid, it's not nearly as harsh.
I had the same problem happened to me. I bought a dollar store glass jar to put ferric chloride in and it broke and stained the driveway concrete with a rusty stain so I had to use muriatic acid to clean the concrete so my wife didn't get pissed.
Would a pressure washer held real close do anything? I’ve seen that done to clean concrete … but not necessarily iron stains..