Need Opinion from Others

This one is A2 ~60RC. Most of grind was Pre-HT. Finished post. But, I did some reshaping on blade, reduced height, reprofile. So that was post-HT. I have a low cost, I.e. cheap, 2x42 SS grinder, so if I don’t pay attention….
What is the blade grind? It almost looks like it's convex, but thinner near the spine than in the middle of the blade. Most of the issues I'll mention are aesthetics and some are personal preference. The pin placement is off. I actually think the rear pin is closer to being in the proper spot, but the front pin is too far back. Scales coming off at the ricasso is a common issue and a pin more forward will help prevent that. I like the handle shape. As someone else had mentioned the front of your scales are opposite of the way most people put scales. The top of the scale is usually more far forward than the bottom of the scale. The way you did it is not wrong, just different from the norm, if you continue to do it that way it will become part of the face for your knives. For me, breaking the spine on the grind is a very unpleasant look. I know some makers that regularly do it, and it's part of their knife face, but still looks bad to me. As others have said, your ricasso is fairly large and has some pretty big scratches in it. A lot of things on a knife design can be personal preference, while others will cause function issues. Avoid the function issues, and if you decide to do things differently than others, do them well, and own them. BTW what part of northern Wisconsin? I'm in Shawano, about 30 minutes west of Green Bay.
Blade grind started as full flat. Like I stated earlier, I reshaped the original blade, so, grind is off. The scales are shaped that way in an attempt to show maker mark, it wasn’t done to set a “trend” or distinguish myself.
My original thought when posting for opinions was pertaining to blade/handle ratio etc.
but, I’m very appreciative of everyone’s comments, because I’m trying to become a better, more consistent knife maker. The original knife was one of my earlier attempts. So reshaping,etc. was an attempt to possibly save/make a finished product I was happy with.

I grew up in Wausau area, so I’m very familiar with Shawano. Family still lives there, so I’m back home a few times a year. I’m a cheesehead/badger stuck in Buckeye country 😆

Thanks for taking your time and providing your constructive critique. It is very much appreciated.
I don't have too much to add other than what others have already stated. Looks like a decent knife to me, and seems like it'd be comfortable enough to use.

Concerning your questions about blade to handle ratios (both length and width), I wouldn't say there's any hard rules per say. You can find relatively popular examples of almost anything, depending on what the knife is intended for. Obviously there will be "averages" and "limits" to just about anything, but I'd say you're well within those with that knife.

But hey, if you don't like it, make another with some changes that you think might look better, and see what comes out. You don't really even have to make one; just draw some examples, or edit your picture in photoshop and see if any changes look like they'd work better or worse.

3D cad and 3d printers are another good way of trying out some designs without spending hours drilling, grinding and heat treating steels.

Or, just use your knife for a few hours, and I'm sure you start to see some things you'd probably like to change, even if they're just minor preferences. That goes for pretty much any knife though.
Something looks a bit off. I reshaped the blade, did I take too much height away? Do you think it should be an 1/8 or so taller to match butt of handle? Also, handle is 4.5” while blade just under 4”. Probably need another .5” or so on blade.
Please let me know what you think.

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I actually like that blade shape. I think it would look great on a 4.3" hockey stick handle that was the same height ae the ricasso.