Neil Blackwood knives - some pictures

Nov 16, 2002





Filosofem, these are some of the nicest Blackwoods, I have ever seen, and truly spectacular photography. The handle material on the Henchman, is probably one of the best combinations, ever, on a Henchman. Congratulations on one hell of a Blackwood collection !!!
What kind of wood is it ???
I LOVE THAT OLIVEWOOD HANDLE! Wow. I'm speehless with awe, seriously that's gorgeous.
Olive wood is very nice looking I have had some for a year and ahalf
you should see what it looks like dyed.:eek:

Fantastic shots, thanks for posting them. They're making me think that I need to upgrade my Nikon:eek: :D
What make and model of camera did you use.I am getting ready to buy one,and I am still looking but like Neil said they are some nice photos.
That Olivewood rocks!

I swear that I love the looks of every knife that Neil does. I can't say that about most makers. He is an incredible talent.

I believe that Filosofem is being a little modest. Take a look at the pics he did of the Spyderco ATR:

Filosofem's ATR pics

They sure look professional to me. I have yet to find a camera that allows me to take pictures that good.
Originally posted by filosofem

Nathan: I use a cheap Kodak

With a little practice, this camera can make good pictures.

OK, OK, I'm not going to throw my Nikon in the pool after all:confused: :p
I see you use a Kodak DX 3700,sweet looking pictures
and the blackwood knives really make the pictures that
much better.I may have to look into the Kodak line of
Wow, I guess the user and the lighting make a bigger difference than I thought. I've got to do more experimentation with my Canon Powershot, it has a full manual setting that I haven't messed with yet. Keep the beautiful pictures coming though filosofem, I'll keep an eye out for your posts from now on.
Thank you all!

Neil must send me another knife - so I can make more pics ;)

In this price range, Kodak make good and simple cameras. But I also practised a lot. In the first time using this camera I maked only bad pictures. For one good shot, there were 20 bad. But from day to day the shots are getting better. And my knives also ;)