Nepalese earthquake relief fundraiser. Every little bit helps.

Thank You, Bill, for the kind gesture of help. Unfortunately, the bladeforum sites rules here prohibit auctions of any kind and sales by those without a gold membership or higher. We also cannot allow sales by the membership in this subforum. I will have to edit your posts. I am sorry.

Those wishing to help by offering items from their collections can either post them for sale in the Exchange forum, or mail these items to Auntie Yangdu for Resale. Perhaps if there are some particularly collectible items, a raffle could be organized, but those are a lot of work.
Karda, I understand the issues. I'd forgotten the Bladeforum rules. ( Been a long time) I'll sort out another route.
Karda, I understand the issues. I'd forgotten the Bladeforum rules. ( Been a long time) I'll sort out another route.

Thank you for understanding! Your kindness is very much appreciated. It's times like this that I wish we had more leeway.
Karda, This work? I Paid for the Gold Membership.They are my blades. Lets make some money for our family.
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Karda, This work? I Paid for the Gold Membership.They are my blades. Lets make some money for our family.

Hi Bill, yes that can work if that's how you want to do it.
You will need to update your usergroup, so you don't get a warning from the mods.
You also might consider pricing each item separately along with the group price.
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It also needs to be posted in "production knives (fixed blades) instead of custom knives. Report your thread to the mods and ask that it be moved.
I'm going to have to remove your link here, as posting links to sales in the discussion forums is also not allowed. Again I am sorry. but I don't want you or this forum getting into trouble.
You already know the munk chunk cleaver. The one on the far right is an Amar Sing Thapa Knife. (ASTK).
The one next to the cleaver is a Katunje (yangdus model) I believe and the one next to that I think is a chitlangi. The last one I have no idea what it was called.
5 Blades ready for shipment back to Ms. Yangdu for resale to assist relief efforts to rebuild/aid.
I'm in - I give my next kuk to HI
View attachment 538180

Oh very thoughtful. Bravo Snowwolf!

5 Blades ready for shipment back to Ms. Yangdu for resale to assist relief efforts to rebuild/aid.

Cheers Arbiter! So very charitable!

I have not been active here for a long time. Life seems to have a way of changing things. I have some HI blades, that are, sadly, neglected. I am willing to offer them up for sale, to the highest bidder. Proceeds will go directly to HI, to rebuild, or pay for medical bills for the Family in Nepal. How do I work this out? Who do I need to talk to?

Welcome back Bill, beautiful blades, and very generous of you!
Would some hand tools help? I forge hammers and tongs fairly often and could see what I can do about helping out with some of those lost tools.
Would some hand tools help? I forge hammers and tongs fairly often and could see what I can do about helping out with some of those lost tools.

What a great idea! Humble suggestion, contact auntie directly, she could probably give you quick feedback on the idea. I don't know if she is actively watching the forum or not, considering all that is happening.
Would some hand tools help? I forge hammers and tongs fairly often and could see what I can do about helping out with some of those lost tools.
Thats a khul idea:thumbup: They can probably dig up some of that steel like the anvils but no tellin what condition the other stuff is in or even if they will ever have access to it again.
Put in what little I could. I am glad to hear they are alive, as another had stated, survival on a long term basis is next. The work of one person my not seem like much, however, the work of many individuals can make all the difference.

Positive thoughts,

This is just a suggestion, but if anyone decides to buy from HI and include extra as a donation, it might be better to separate the donation from the payment on Paypal so Auntie doesn't lose as much to the Paypal fee. I don't know exactly how it works with Paypal, but it could also be helpful for tax purposes.
Just heard back from Auntie.

Right now what they need is a buffer, which they can get from India.

Money is the best donation at this time. Will see what I can scrounge around for.