New knife - Arrived at last!

Sep 2, 2003
My new knife finally arrived on Tuesday. The guy who made it actually sent me a second knife free of charge because mine took so long. Can't get much better service than that!

It wasn't as sharp as I prefer when I got it but a bit of quality time with my Sharpmaker fixed that.

If you want to see a pic and read a few lines on why it's made the way it is, you can CLICK HERE

Feel free to make any coments if you wish. This is my first attempt at actually designing a knife. I've already got some thoughts on the next one ....
Looks like a real nice workin' knife to me.
Use it in good health!
Originally posted by gajinoz
Feel free to make any coments if you wish. This is my first attempt at actually designing a knife. I've already got some thoughts on the next one ....

I think you designed a pretty nice Loveless...:D
I like it! Are there many good knifemakers in SA? I don't know any and I'd like a replacement handle put on one of my knives.

Originally posted by Neophyte
I like it! Are there many good knifemakers in SA? I don't know any and I'd like a replacement handle put on one of my knives.


I don't personally know of many but you could try this page
for a list:

and here is the address for Barry's page:

He makes a nice handle and he's a good guy to deal with. Eail him and talk about what you want.

Tell him I sent ya. :)
There also folks like Michael Fechner in Adelaide.

However, I suspect not many established makers will do "customising" or repair work. I for one have stopped doing this. If you can find a starting out knifemaker keen on a new challenge, you might want to try them. Question is how to find such a person ... ??? You are welcome to contact known knifemakers and ask them anyhow. Jason.
That is really one nice looking custom. I think it will make an excellent hunting knife. I would really be interested in how the blade performs.
I would appreciate you sending me an email
I like the choice of Mallee root for the handle. Very Australian. Someone said once that I had a head like a mallee root......:confused:

I also love the Mallee country. Sparse and desolate for the uninitiated but with a power and beauty that comes to you after you've been out there for a while.
Looks top, Gajinoz. Do I detect a whiff of Dozier in the design? If so, all the better. I'd love a Dozier or to commission a custom utility, but it's always "Champagne tastes on a beer income."


maximus otter
Thanks for the good comments guys. A couple of people mentioned that it looks a bit like certain other makes or styles and maybe it does. When i was trying to decide what it was to look like I guess I thought about all the knives I've seen and sort of kept the best bits from some of them and worked out what I thought looked good and would be functional. Doesn't surprise me that it looks like other designs.

Originally posted by maximus otter
Looks top, Gajinoz. Do I detect a whiff of Dozier in the design? If so, all the better. I'd love a Dozier or to commission a custom utility, but it's always "Champagne tastes on a beer income."


maximus otter

You should contact the bloke who made this one for me, he is not expensive. With your Pound being worth more than twice my Dollar you might be surprised what you can afford!