NG Ranger

Here's the deal.

I am crunching our order totals now.

I am guaranteeing that we will ship ALL of our NG Ranger Spike backorders (for orders placed through a date, which we will determine by tomorrow) with UPS tracking numbers during the first week of April.

If we fail, you get a refund, and something extra for your inconvenience.

All of you have been wonderfully patient and understanding. For that, my staff and I will always be grateful and ever mindful of your service to us, in doing so.
Thanks Andy, no body could ask for more than that!!

But I don't want a refund, I want the NG Ranger !! I will be looking forward to the first week in April. I know the wait will have been worth it.

Hey northstar, make sure when my NG hawk is shipped to include the medication for HAWK ATTACKS! :mad: :D :mad: :D PLEASE!
I think what you need is a tranquilizer ;) :rolleyes:

When did you order your NG Ranger Vic? Us pending NG Ranger orders have started a club and we need to know your rank :D

Can't wait for my NG Ranger! I know since Andy is such a cool guy he'll ship mine first! :D Or ship it last and give me lotsa extra goodies :D

I agree with Vic S, I do not want a refund. I will wait for the NG Hawk, even if it means I half to wait a year. It will get here, when it gets here.


Let's here more about the club. I ordered my NG Hawk Nov.29.

Thanks for the update, Brian Everett

I guarantee that you're getting meds with yours! LOL

Along with Andy, I agree that everyone has been MOST patient and understanding considering the circumstances behind the delays in the NG Ranger. It will be totally worth your while.

You guys are the BEST!
Blueflinthawk, I ordered my NG ranger hawk January 21. When it gets here it gets here. After I received my Vietnam tac I liked it so much that I said the NG ranger has got to be a master peace. So I ordered a second Ng ranger. You can never have to many tomahawks.

Suzanne, Do you think I could have a custom NG ranger? One with a hollow handle to hold my meds? By the way did my training hawk get sent out? Training is very important. Especialy when your on meds!
BlueFlintHawk I never seen anything on here about a club,I order my NG Ranger the end of Jan.

Wow, so far, you're our four star General, kj4dx. Randal, I hope you can settle for Colonel and I ordered mine Dec. 15... Major or Captain. You late January guys aren't even officers. You'll have to settle for Corporal.

*sniff* I love you guys :D This club isn't gonna be around much longer ;)
I wonder how many guys are on the waiting list that don't read or post on the forums ? Andy, do you know how many NG Rangers you will be getting ?

Here's an image of one of our new raw machinings of the Next Generation Ranger!!!


Note the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidened cutting bevel! ;) It's 19 degrees and will :mad:bite:mad:, stick, and penetrate better then ever. Our previous included angle was 26 degrees.

This change, largely due to input from customers, addresses some of the "bounce-back" experiences that some have had with this model on a less than perfect throw. Louis Buccellato, (an unofficial world record holder in my view), has thrown our stuff farther and more often than many of us combined. His input was very important to this design improvement!

Enjoy and know full well that the journey of patience is nearly over.

...just saw this question after I posted the pic....uhhhhh, in response, I'd rather not say. :eek: However, rest assured that those who do not check in here have been contacted by phone or e-mail.

BUT, what I will say is that ATC looks forward to dissolving the backorder club real quick! :D
Andy, now you made the wait even harder, Its going to be like waiting for Christmas when you a kid, hoping you get what you asked for !!

The new NG Rangers look even better than the other ones and they work better too!?!? The wait is already worth it! Thanks for posting the pic, Andy!
You're lucky, Vic... I was waiting for it before Christmas!

Thanks for the photo. The head design is awesome. I will definitely be patient.

Thanks Brian Everett
Running bear like raw steel tomahawk. RAW STEEL GOOD!

Blueflinthawk, our club is slowly coming to an end. Quick! What is our moto?

Northstar (suzanne), Quick send meds! After seeing the raw steel tomahawk head I can't hold it back! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! RAW STEEL TOMAHAWK! RAW STEEL TOMAHAWK! RAW STEEL TOMAHAWK! RAW STEEL TOMAHAWK! RAW STEEL TOMAHAWK! Get away! I don't like the funny jacket that ties my arms.