NightVision - if it only had a clip...

Aug 4, 2000

I've seen the NightVision on your site, and several pics/reviews here. It seems exceptional, except (for me) the clip. Why was the decision made to place it so far down the handle that much of the handle shows out of the pocket? I don't want to advertise that I carry one, and it also makes it a better target for pickpockets!

Are there any plans to move the clip higher towards the end of the handle (but so it could still be for used tip-up carry)? I would buy one in a second it that was the case!
Hi Flick,

Thanks for the question. The positioning of the clip is specifically designed for quick access to the knife. The lower the knife is in the pocket, the harder it is for a rapid withdrawal. Here's a picture of the clip location (compliments of Sergiusz Mitin):


The clip is stout and stays on the pocket very firmly, so a pick pocket cannot easily get if off. I'd have to be dead (or close to it) for the knife to be removed without my consent. And I really doubt that anyone is going to get their hand that close to my front pocket to steal the knife.

I've carried a knife with a pocket clip for many years and have never had someone comment on it (not to say it has not happened to someone).

I hope this helps!



[This message has been edited by Ron@SOG (edited 08-13-2000).]
One GOOD point that you guys are MISSING with the knife sitting higher in the front pocket like this one, is that when you sit down, the bottom of the handle won't have as much as a chance to dig-into you.

That is a problem that I have with my VERY low-riding Large CRKT Crawford/Kasper Folding Fighter.
(I carry one in EACH front pocket, as I want to be ready for ANYTHING!).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663