Ninja Stuff

Spend a couple of years in continous combat. You will have some interesting dreams.

munk said:
Rob, I'm too tired right now to think straight, (got up at 4 am) but the other conversation Howard and Nasty are having has struck a bell: subjective time experience.

What's the big thing "God" is credited with? Exclusion from boundaries of time.
I've had dreams, near death experiences, adrenaline dumps; they have in common the subjective experience of Time being changed. We know children experience Time much more extensively than adults. We know in deep concentration Time is changed. Like focusing the sights on a target. And in all the religious experiences I've had, a commonality is that Time is changed, bridged, lengthened. When artists talk of tapping into a well-spring of information and knowledge, creativity and inspiration, they use analogues like rivers, oceans, etc etc; timeless source. And they say things like; "The Voice that is Great within Us."

I think the Engineer and Nasty are onto something.

Bill would be proud of us. Spark may be just satisfied to get us out of general view.
I hope so.

munk said:
Yes, Rob, your posts are right on the dot.
Great and timely.

What a neat thread.

I only know that I can sense something not right.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Why this is does not matter. It only matters that it works.
I am not saying that it would not be an interesting study.
But it would do me no good. I learned from blood, sweat and tears. And survived, let us not forget that.
Being alive adds to ones credibility here.

Ad Astra said:
My theory is that this "ninja sense" DIJ is calling it, for lack of a better term, is something akin to a fishes lateral line, a series of neuro cells that constitutes a sixth sense in fish.

"What is a lateral line :* The lateral line is a row of scales that most fish have along their sides, stretching from their head to tail. Under these scales are a system of fluid-filled canals and specialized cells which transmit vibrations to the brain. The lateral line helps fish to detect objects including predators and prey."

Fish sense danger, and fear, thru this line.

It is possible that in human/warrior/predator-types, a type of "fear/danger sense" ability evolves, or can be cultivated. This human lateral line is inside your head, not outside it.

If ever you feel this, don't ignore it. Sheep don't have it. Sharks do. Real sharks, not people with too many khukuris.

Ad Astra (tired)
SPEED MATTERS. Take your time fast.

DannyinJapan said:
I just got back from day 2 of the daikomyosai and I am dead tired.
But Hatsumi Sensei was just electrifying. What fantastic day of training.

I'd like to say that I know what you are referring to when you say "time dialation," but to my knowledge this is not a part of the teachings.
Sensei does not move quickly nor does he move with power.
He does not need to. Because he can see/feel the future of his attackers' intentions and movements, he can move slowly and minimally into the optimal place of safety.

This might be hard to take, but in ninjutsu, we avoid speed and power whenever possible. There is a saying in our schools "The immovable heart of fudo."
This is a goal we strive to attain, this immovable heart.
It is a heart that never speeds up nor slows down no matter what happens.
No adrenaline...

We strive to develop the danger sense, to develop our intuition of the future, to feel the intentions of our attackers and then move slowly and minimally to be in a safe, controlling position.

I hope all that makes sense. I am pretty tired after all....
People fight because it is their nature. People fight well because they are trained or have natural abilities.

Bill Marsh said:

This makes very good sense to me. My (karate) teacher said that we should avoid confrontations if possible. This was the same guy who gave his wallet to the robber. This was also the same guy who was confronted by three robbers with knives when he as out with his wife. The three robbers all wound up with broken bones. One, who was foolish enough to get up and attack again wound up in the hospital.

He told us that we should always avoid confrontation. That most people fight because they are afraid and trying to prove to themselves that they were NOT afraid.

Fight with passion if you must fight --- but never fight with anger, if you do, you have already lost.

I have always been fascinated by the Ninja, though I am put off by the Hollywood representations.

You seem to be tied into some very good teachers. I like your posts very much.

Do you do anything with Aikido? I have a slight knowledge of this and would very much like to know more.
When this happens you are not the agressor. You are in reaction mode.
The bullets fly and you will notice them. But your mission is to kill this SOB no matter the cost.

munk said:
I think when we speak of time slowing down we are referring to the subjective of course, and that what has changed is the number and kind of decisions you find yourself now able to attain.

Knowledge costs nothing. Yet it is your most valuable possesion.
It is the only thing that increases in value the more you give it away.
This is how you get your interest.
It cannot be stolen or lost.
An investment in yourself cannot be measured in gold.
Knowledge costs nothing. Yet it is your most valuable possesion.
It is the only thing that increases in value the more you give it away.
This is how you get your interest.
It cannot be stolen or lost.
An investment in yourself cannot be measured in gold.

What has this to do with Kukuries? Everything.
I could tell you of ruthless and an immovible heart but I won`t.
You may find out soon enough. You won`t like it.

DannyinJapan said:
The Heart of Fudo is only one of many teachings of the Bujinkan.
We have some teachings that are ruthless.
(Necessary for survival in combat, but ruthless nonetheless.)
I dont know that there is any one "ideal" in ninjutsu except for survival.

Me, I am a huge Janice Joplin fan. I gotta hear that soul screaming out. So maybe the Immovable heart of Fudo is, as you say, not easily defined.
(Nor is it necessarily moral)

Munk did not believe me when I said a heavy knife can be used just as well as a lighter knife in combat. What do you think now, Munk?
Do you understand why I said that now?
Understanding that we move slowly no matter what kind of knife, but we move in a strange way, anticipating the future and only moving a tiny bit and only at the very last moment...

Only when we are certain that we ourselves are protected do we move in a "violent" manner. We do this because violence itself is a dangerous thing to he who uses it.

As Sensei said, "Win the fight first, THEN hit him."
I reckon that takes care of the replies. Ya`all may take them for what they are worth, No more, no less.
Warlock...Knowledge *does* time. The currency of your life.

ps: Welcome Home Warlock6.