No knife content: sad dog story

My condolences Chiro.

I went through the same thing not long ago when my old friend moved on. She was 15, so she gave alot of happiness to me. Your loss is even more trajic given the young age of your friend.

Don't let this loss discourage you from investing your love in a new friend. They give several human lifespans' worth of good in the short time they are with us. The pain we suffer when we lose them is a small price to pay for all the happiness they have given us.
I'd like to thank everyone, with the exception of Stompy of course, who has responded to me both here and at home. Your understanding of the human spirit and its relationship to our four-legged (or in Phoenix's case, three-legged) friends is incredible, and your outreach of support has brought tears to my eyes. Our pain will numb eventually, and we do know we did everything we could for Phoenix. More importantly, we know she knows that. What is perhaps the hardest thing about all this is that we have another dog, who is Phoenix's cousin. They were born a few days apart and have spent every day since then together. They took very good care of one another and her passing has hit him very hard. Anyway, thanks for your support, and I honestly mean it when I say if I can EVER do anything for any of you, please contact me. God bless.

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Palmer College of Chiropractic
On Two Wheels
My condolences on the loss of your dear friend;the best friend a man can haveon this earth. If we humans acted as well as our dogs, the world would be a better place.
Chiro -

I'm sorry I didn't see this thread until today...please allow me to express condolences for the loss of your friend. I think I (and most of the other forumites) understand the kind of grief you're going through. There's nothing I can add to the thoughts that have already been posted; just realize that the great memories of Phoenix will continue long after the pain is gone…


Sorry to hear about your loss. I don't consider myself the sensitive type, but I lost a cat about two years ago and it still hurts to think about her. It's amazing how deeply animals affect us. They are the proverbial yin to our yang at times, and there for us all the time. Rest assured that Phoenix is in a good place.
Sorry, I've been away for a few days, and didn't see this thread.

Dogs are truly one of life's purest pleasures.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

I've been gone for a few days as well...I really am sorry for you after reading this. It's a heavy loss. I was forced to put my 10 year old german shepard down in May after she suddenly started biting people in her old age. The only explanation we could come up with was that she was in pain. We tried all kinds of meds and different things, but she continued to bite. Thankfully, we have a kind and generous vet who was willing to come to our house to put her down. It made it a little easier. I'm still not used to it. Every time I come home, I briefly expect her to come rushing up to greet me. Every time I step out onto the porch for a smoke, I expect her to be there with her tennis ball. So I'm still not used to it, but it hurts less. Little by little, it gets easier.
On a side note, (and I'm NOT standing up for Stompy here- I'm sure he's big enough to answer for his own big mouth) death does elicit all kinds of different reactions from people. Everyone has different ways of dealing with things, different defense mechanisms. I work in a nursing home and have seen my fair share of death, some (the lucky ones) fast and some very, very slow. You wouldn't believe the variety of reactions I've seen. I've even shocked myself.
A friend of mine's father committed suicide. I was with her from the night she first heard about it until the end of her father's funeral day, two days later. When I walked into that funeral home for his wake, into the parlor full of his heartbroken, grief-stricken family and friends, watching everyone cry and hold each other, I saw nothing funny. Watching my friend bawl hysterically in front of the casket just as I had seen her do the night before upon getting the news, I saw nothing laughable. Yet I had to leave very quickly upon entering the room because I could feel a sudden fit of laughter coming on, and I was barely able to make it to the parking lot before losing control of myself. I actually had a mental image of the corpse in the casket with french fries stuck up the nostrils (don't ask), and I almost lost it in front of the entire family. I was so angry and shocked at myself! It may sound funny now, but can you imagine if I hadn't made it outside in time? I'd never be able to face any of those people again.
Conclusion? The whole scene was incredibly tough to experience, and since I had no personal emotional stake in it, I was able to briefly shut it out and take some time to come to grips with the whole situation. It's pretty amazing, really. Such a shock-absorber can be really valuable. But it's also not the kind of thing you share with the grieving family.