No Vacation! Starring Snark W. Griswold

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survived my minnesota excursion - got mom moved out of her "old" house (I helped them with some of the construction back in 2001) and into the new one, then spent a day helping them sort and start unpacking.
got home around 9, unloaded the truck, unpacked, fed the dogs & barn cat, took a shower while food was cooking, then did a load of laundry.
ready for sleep.

Kabar wrench knife got to open a LOT of boxes while I was there.
survived my minnesota excursion - got mom moved out of her "old" house (I helped them with some of the construction back in 2001) and into the new one, then spent a day helping them sort and start unpacking.
got home around 9, unloaded the truck, unpacked, fed the dogs & barn cat, took a shower while food was cooking, then did a load of laundry.
ready for sleep.

Kabar wrench knife got to open a LOT of boxes while I was there.
You worked more than I did, haha. We were supposed to work on the carport, but after unloading the wood off the trailer, we called it quits, except to go to Menard's and pick up the beams we custom ordered. Too dang hot. I don't do well in the heat.
Leaving for Austria tomorrow. We had a hiking tripped planned there since early January. Then the whole virus thing happened but we're still going, it's merely a 10 hour roadtrip. The plan was to use our rented apartment as a FOB for our hikes. The 62 is in the kit. What a food prep knife :thumbsup:
that's a good example of the similarity in scale between countries in Europe and states in the USA: it's a 10 hour drive from my house to Mom's, and I averaged 68 mph (109kph) on the trip, counting fuel and rest stops as well as driving through construction zones and 100 miles of small towns on a rural 2-lane "highway".
the trip home took 12 hours, because I came back a different (longer) route so I could pick up the ammo I ordered as part of a group buy 6 weeks ago that showed up in Independence, Mo on Thursday.
the shorter trip I crossed 5 state lines, on the way home, I only crossed 3.
Yes, for sure 1066vik 1066vik !
The trip we're taking is just shy of 1000km. Most of it will be on the German autobahn so...that'll take us there quite fast I hope:D.

We're crossing through 4 countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and of course our destination of Austria. Can't wait to see the Alps again in the summer! Gonna go to bed now, we're rising early tomorrow.
yup - my trip North was just over 1000 km. my round trip total was around 2325km, counting the 65km I put on the car driving around up there.

fun piece of trivia I learned back in high school -- the state of Kansas is roughly the same size as the country of Germany, but we only have 3 million people in that area.
also - people from Kansas are called Kansans -- and kansan in Finn translates to common in English --

Some Austrian scenery, anyone?
Fresh tornado warning. Looks gruesome outside.
Did a bit of fishing yesterday and took these along.

Didn’t catch anything large enough to keep so I played around with some mesquite and dried coconut fiber to make a ferro fire.

I find the magnesium works good but you have to be in a no-wind environment and collect it in a pile. This takes some patience and set up time.

Stay safe friends.
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