Norton Crystalon or India stone?

May 23, 2003
I want one to these for some rough kitchen knife work and maybe some reprofiling.
I'm down to either the double sided Crystalon stone or the corase/orange fine India(6" or 8")

The Pike stone removes metal more easily and faster, it doesn't leave as fine an edge and it will need flattening from time to time. The India stone is very hard and doesn't dish like other stones, it also leaves a finer edge but it doesn't remove stock as quickly. It also doesn't seem to load up as easily. I use the Pike stone for major reprofiling of thick edges and I like the India stone for sharpening dull knives that already have a good primary bevel to them. I could use either one though, they are similar enough. I would get the India stone if that is what I would be finishing with.
Thanks! I might get both, just cause they're relatively inexpensive.
OTOH, can't seem to find an 8" orange India (not combo) or any other single grit stones
I have a combo crystolon/fine india Norton stone that is about 12 inches long. I paid 25 dollars for it about 15 to 20 years ago. That was full retail. This stone works great and is one that Wayne Goddard highly recommends. I have used it on everything except ZDP189.

(Sorry for hijack, but it's a short one, like from Miami to Cuba) I know that it's been posted before, but can someone please post the graph showing the grit ranges for the various types of sharpening media?
Here is another one including edgepro 204 etc:

