Nose to the grindstone. Well, 'hawks to the belt grinder.

It was a short day, but I got some good things done.

Micarta sheets after sandblasting and before being cut up on my table saw. The bottom sheet with the cutouts is 1/4" mild steel, used to make some tooling.

After cutting into handle slabs, I used my handle template to drill the rivet holes.

There are always little tricks to any process. After a while, I figured out how to drill the holes without having to shift the C-clamps each time, and drilled two slabs at once.

Then I countersunk the holes.

Then I bolted the handle template to the individual slabs and used a trim bit on a router to trim, obviously. :)

Followed by a 45 degree bevel using the other router.

The handle template is built so that the Micarta is trimmed leaving the butt of the tang exposed, providing an extra impact surface and protecting the Micaarta from damage if someone should do something like, oh, throw the darn thing.

Tomorrow I'll round the edges of the bevels, rivet the handles on, and sharpen, all going well. If I pop my coat tails, I could probably do some sheaths too.
This batch has all been finished up and are on their way to their respective customers. Here's a brief glance as they were waiting for sheaths to be built:

I'll post the finished pics in their own threads. I don't plan to document all the batches of 'hawks like I did this one, but I wanted to show some of the steps along the way.

Now onto the next batch!

This is a big one as there are two double orders and one of the long Wreckers is going to be a demonstration model for myself. About half of the grinding is already done. This pic shows them all post-normalizing.