Not Really Nakiri....

Jan 12, 2011
I have been having fun tweaking some of the Japanese traditional style culinary knives.

In the chef knife world, there is really only so much you can do to make the blades all that different as there is what performs really well in the kitchen....and then everything else.

So This was one I did in part because of a comment by a fellow member in another thread of mine asking if I had ever made a Nakiri,
and because I had been thinking of making a stick-tang veggie cleaver anyhow...... thanks to Eric B. (ebd66) for the extra mojo/comment as it inspired me to do it.

I liked the so-called "tribal" handle with the wrap I have been doing lately, and so it appears again, African Blackwood with highly chatoyant Arkansas Chittam inlay and registered rosin impregnated woven cotton line.

OAL on this one is 12 & 3/8 with a 6.75" blade out of 1095 with sort of a strange hamon that interestingly enough matches the blade-shape really well.
Wickedly thin to the edge as any veggie cleaver/Nakiri should be, and while lacking the traditional Nakiri-style blade, this one will still be quite effective.

This one currently resides in the David Broadwell Studios Collection.
I felt very honored that David, a Master Smith and maker of very fine chef knives himself, would buy one of my knives!

I hope you enjoy the images.




Now that is one beautiful knife! I can see why anyone would want that in their collection. Now if I could just win the lottery........


Very nice hamon. You got the right idea with the distal taper from the heal to the point. The "WA" handle is my favourite with the pinch grip.