Now I can display my knives in style

Dec 25, 2001
I made a few of these oak display racks for a few of my knives. Shown is my Spydie Delica. gave 'em a natural oak finish, top-coated for durability.

I only made a few, but someone else would be interested I can make more. See also

Whatcha think?

Nice idea. You can also design one with multiple levels or one that is wall mounted to hold a lot more in one collection.
Nice idea and it may solve a problem I've been mulling over. I too would like to display some of my knives. I bought an inexpensive display case and want to mount some knives in it. The problem is that the inside of the case doesn't have anything to set the knives on. Looking at the pegs you used makes me think they might work out. Did you make them or can I buy some some where? I plan to stand the case up vertically and I didn't want to fasten the knives to it but rather have them sit on something....

That just gave me the inspiration I needed for a stand for my Criswell

Just a block of wood with a large slot dadoed out, and stained black.