Off topic posts - Please all read

Um ... the point does not seem to be getting across to everyone.... When Harv wrote the woodchuck attack post that was not, believe it or not, because he was having trouble deciding what knife to carry in case a woodchuck attacks him, gentlebeings. It was a commentary on how seriously the idea of selecting the knife you carry on hikes based on how well you think it would work against bear or cougar attacks should be taken.

Not only did the bear and cougar threads continue merrily along, some people even wrote apparently serious posts about how to fight off a woodchuck with a knife. It seemed to several of us that perhaps Harv's post was a bit too subtle and several attempts were made to make the point more clearly....

Even though the point has been made more and more clearly and every question is more ridiculous than the one before, every question, even my fire ant question, has gotten some apparently serious replies, and now some apparently serious flames and calls for censorship are being posted....

What's next? What's the best knife for retrovirus attacks? What's the best knife for brain surgery on the humor-impaired? Can we design a knife with a blade that will glow red in the presence of off-topic nonsense and glow green in the presence of satiric commentary, so everyone will be able to tell the difference?

-Cougar Allen :{)
OK, maybe it is getting a little silly, but that's what I need after a hard days night. And currently there are 175 posts to animal threads and counting, so I am not alone. I happily posted to the beaver thread. I also enjoy all sorts of serious posts and ignore the ones that do not interest me personally. But I also see that others have an interest in the posts and wouldn't dream of criticizing them for it. I guess some people take life too seriously for my tastes. Some of my favorite posts are from Mike, Spark and other moderators here. Talk about a great sense of humor! Awesomely witty. (What a suckup, huh?)

Spank you very much (*!*) ,
Oh Thank GOD!!

Finally, The voice of reason!

Thank you, Mike!


If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid.

Part of the enjoyment of Bladeforums is the people posting to it. The animal attack forums are fun, and I good way to find out about people (fellow knifeaholics) and their mind state. Good examples of wit and intelligence abound. Would hate to have to hunt around for posts that probably shoud remain here. After all, it is usually not hard to avoid threads you have no interest in. Sticking too close to topics rigidly would be kinda dry. IMO
Mike... A "cheers" forum would be well served for non-knife topics. I think that animal attacks are well within the knife topic framework. After all, how many threads can really do strickly about knives?!

I don't mind off topic threads because I only read threads of interest. The thing that "urks" me is when a topic is discussed and then members stray from the topic. The thread bogs down and the focus is lost in one line off topic zingers.
I have never been attacked by a beaver, but I was attacked by a squirel...and I can tell you that when one of those rats with bushy tails jumps on your chest staring you straight in the eye it is a little unnerving. Not to mention the scrapes that his claws will leave on your chest. I only wish I was fast enough to have killed that one.
I was not only referring to the animal posts. It is just the animal posts made a very classic example of a pattern.

I like to have fun like the rest of you. We just have to maintain the atmosphere a bit every now and then.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!
