Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy!

Oct 22, 2001
I came home and alas there was no box from Busse waiting. I went to the PO to ship out an item I sold on Ebay and the mail gal came by right after I returned home! Boy am I one happy camper! Jerry these are super sweet blades! I think they are all going to go to Kenny Rowe for some clothes!!!:D
You bet it is some nice stuff buddy! Makes waiting for my FBA and Pepper Shaker a little easier.
You bet it is some nice stuff buddy! Makes waiting for my FBA and Pepper Shaker a little easier.
I didn't think they posted. I kept getting a screen telling me the page wasn't available. Well let's try the other ones.
I have to go along with everyone else -You suck and nice haul.Wish those where mine.:)
Any one up for a little poker? I have a solid pair, I call. (Yeah, I know my poker ettiquet isn't up to snuff, but work with me here.) :D
You HOGGY lil bugger!:eek:

Wheres my box got too!:(

That would make it about, what, 76 Busse blades now ProPorker?:D :p
I didn't realize you had a matching set of number "3"s ! You do suck, you SWINE you !

:D nice catch Pro, you deserved it !!

Man...WHAT a PORKER !!!!

I knew I should have left the trap door open one more day:grumpy:

The least you can do is "Share" with your brother pig to the North:D
Thanks guys. Don't hate me because I am hoggy. :D

You know I got to thinking that the discussion between Hog A (owner of Mr. Mofo #1 and Uncle Mofo #2, you know who you are :D) and Hog B (owner of Mr. Mofo #2 and Uncle Mofo #1) would be pretty interesting to mediate. I would think that whom ever was willing to concede their hogdom and go for a matched set of #2s could end up with a perk or two. If I were the guy wanting the matched set of #1s, I would be willing to sweeten the deal by something like a Mean Streets or something. :D But since I have a matched set, I don't have to worry about such things. If these two guys need any help in mediating such a deal, let me know, I only accept INFI for my time and efforts these days. :D
Originally posted by contender
I didn't realize you had a matching set of number "3"s ! You do suck, you SWINE you !

:D nice catch Pro, you deserved it !!


Thanks Marc. Coming from you, being a called SWINE is a compliment :D.

Don't forget to get Jerry in front of a grinder once the booze has his creative juices flowing! Lord only knows what we'll see after the SHOT show!
Originally posted by gundy
You HOGGY lil bugger!:eek:

Wheres my box got too!:(

That would make it about, what, 76 Busse blades now ProPorker?:D :p

76? I don't know Guy, I'll have to count them and give you the exact number later. I think you might be a little high, not too mention your number might be off. ;):D
Originally posted by Progunner
Don't forget to get Jerry in front of a grinder once the booze has his creative juices flowing! Lord only knows what we'll see after the SHOT show!

John, Jerry has spent so much time in Disney, I am afraid his new creations are going to have Mickey ears on them rather than blade catches !
Nice haul, I wish I could afford to feed at the trough like that. Oh yeah.....



~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~