OK I'm gone

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Apr 20, 2004
it is not something that I am use toIE being called a lier or made vindictive fun of so this is my last thread I will not return but will still keep in touch with UB good bye never again
codeofthesammuri said:
good bye never again

Careful analysis of your post indicates your true intentions. You never plan on saying good bye again because you will never be leaving. In one form or another, one screen name or another, one stereotyped nationality or another, you will always haunt the Cantina. With the way you have been treated the last few times you've showed up here, BF, I'm beginning to think that you are a masochist. You must enjoy this, or you wouldn't keep coming back. God forbid, but maybe there's even a sexual element involved in this whole thing for you. Do you touch yourself "down there" when you read posts pointing out your blatant lies? I shudder to think of myself as an unwilling victim of your bizarre sexual fantasies. Frankly, it makes me feel unclean just thinking about it.

Has anyone kept *actual* data on BF? On which day of the week does he usually melt down? We should have enough data by now to do a fairly decent predictive model...
Dunno, but it's bad when you can read his first post, and say, "Whoah! Here he is again", and click the stopwatch. Self destruct in 10...9...8...

"Do you touch yourself "down there" when you read posts pointing out your blatant lies? "

Josh, I vehemently disagree! That behavior would indicate some level of maturity or sophistication. No ...he/she/it is a example of infantilism. Release probably comes in the form of putting down the baby formula bottle just long enough to soil his diaper.

LOL...BTW, would someone please shoot that "baby"? Bad enough to read BF, let alone have to see him! ;)
Got it Rag...I'm on the road for the next 4 weeks.
Please don't send him unwanted magazine subscriptions, sign him up for special offers for records and books, deliver 2 tons of manure on his front lawn, etc., etc. :D
Drdan- that is exactly what we do not want to do. I'm serious. Very bad idea.

I agree with munk, but after all the manure John Cade has dumped on the lawn of the Cantina, it's a very tempting idea to return the favor.

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