OK, you scoundrels ....

May 24, 2001
if your gonna nab the PGA first thing in the morning, at least have the decency to fess up! After all, if you don't post to the threads, how will we know who to be jealous of :)

Smarting in Seattle
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
They have learned to call or email and then post -- maybe -- since it's after the fact.
I gots da 18" AK. Bwaaahaahaaa.... While I shoulda been workin

Steve Ferguson;)
OK it was me. I nabbed the 15" AK and the 20" Kobra. If it's any consolation I'm sure to catch hell for it when my wife finds out.:eek:
Loki, my wife justs shakes her head when the knife packages arrive. She gives me that look like I'm "touched" in the head; the other day she wanted to buy me a new pair of boots and I asked her if I could buy another sharp pointy thing instead - she was flabergasted to say the least! Good luck and make sure she doesn't handle any of your new toys until AFTER she's done being mad :p
Sure glad it wasn't me that Patrick was callin "scoundrel!!!!!"
Although I have to admit that until I read his post I was slight', Oh alright Very Nervous.;)
you always get a pass! After all the good advise you've provided and the excellent field reviews, I don't begrudge you a few PGA's ;)

It's just a matter of dedication. Remember, Joe and Glenn who live in Hong Kong and Down Under respectively get up at 3:30 AM to grab the PGAs.

Which reminds me. Yangdu has culled some "almost blems" and they will be going up tomorrow. Same deals as the PGAs but you'll have to work on them ten minutes to bring them up to 100 percent.
Stay tuned.
OK, I'll confess to being the Early bird today(grabbed the BAS).Couldn't help it;I'd missed yesterday's by about 3 minutes.

If the NDN's getting nervous cause of something he's thinking 'bout doing, that's good news! Because he's feeling up to doing something he's gonna need to beat feet to get away with.

Hide your horses quick!!!

"Great-grand-dad when the west was young,
Barred the door with a wagon tongue,
For the times were rough and the redskins mocked,
( sound like someone we know? )
And he said his prayers with his shotgun cocked."
Originally posted by Loki
OK it was me. I nabbed the 15" AK and the 20" Kobra. If it's any consolation I'm sure to catch hell for it when my wife finds out.:eek:

Here's a suggestion that I do. Get a post office box and have them sent there. That way they don't show up at the house and they sort of just blend in when the little lady looks around. ;)
Originally posted by Rusty
If the NDN's getting nervous cause of something he's thinking 'bout doing, that's good news! Because he's feeling up to doing something he's gonna need to beat feet to get away with.

Hide your horses quick!!!

"Great-grand-dad when the west was young,
Barred the door with a wagon tongue,
For the times were rough and the redskins mocked,
( sound like someone we know? )
And he said his prayers with his shotgun cocked."

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Semper Fi

Here's a suggestion that I do. Get a post office box and have them sent there. That way they don't show up at the house and they sort of just blend in when the little lady looks around. ;)

Yea and if you do this you can also unwrap them effectively getting rid of any evidence then you can just leave them in the trunk of the car or the back of the truck for about 2-3 months.
Yea Right, like anyone could leave a brand new khukuri alone for that length of time unless he was really whipped, and don't pretend you don't know what I mean here.;):p
Then when you do dig them out you can say, "These old things? Why honey I've had them for months now, see how rusty this one is from laying in the back of said vehicle? :D
Yep, the PO box trick works.

But I haven't figured out how to mask the Hooflex smell when I am shining up the handles in the family room. Like a blood hound, she can track the smell back to my khuk stash. :eek:

Fortunately she understands that they were bought at 75 percent off list and are collector items that will go up in value and can be sold at any time for massive gains. :p ;)
Here's a suggestion that I do. Get a post office box and have them sent there. That way they don't show up at the house and they sort of just blend in when the little lady looks around

Why, that's just plain DISHONEST!! I'm ashamed of you, I....I like it;):D:D
Years ago when I was travelling in Mexico I heard what I took to be an "old saying" which went something like this: Each man has his manner of killing flies.
Originally posted by Outdoors
if your gonna nab the PGA first thing in the morning, at least have the decency to fess up! After all, if you don't post to the threads, how will we know who to be jealous of :)

Here's how to do it. Start an email to himimp@aol.com. Leave the subject blank. In the body of the message, type " I'll take it" and put your contact info, and method of payment. When the pga comes up that you want, open the post, copy the info on the khuk you want, paste it into the subject of the email and hit "send". Takes about 20 seconds.:D

Steve Ferguson