Old Fingernail Polish Remover Burns Skin?

Mar 26, 2002
Not that I want to be the Paul Revere of health warnings I have another that might also affect Forum members who might use old fingernail polish remover to clean their khuks.

I got this from my sister.

"I have second degree chemical burns on my right hand - thumb and first two fingers - tips to the first joint. From nail polish remover. The skin looks like fractals, feels like 50 grit sandpaper and is all blistered up. I somehow have a bottle of "old stuff" - well, older than 3 years - and in trying to remove some very stubborn nail polish (the new ForeverStrong variety) from my toenails, this old remover burned me severely.

"Revlon says they are happy to pay my medical expenses. Big fat hairy deal! "They should have an expiration date on the bottle.

"The skin has not come off yet and I am - as you can guess - really put out about it. Nobody I have talked to (women friends) knew you shouldn't keep nail polish remover past two to three years. Since I only wear nail polish on my toenails in the summer, the remover lasts me a long time. It is dangerous stuff as it ages. Pass it on..."

I said, that must be really painful and she responded:

"Yes it is painful! Don't think I can sue unless there is some lasting consequence, but I'll keep it in mind. Because it is a chemical burn, it is different from any burn I have ever had from heat. The skin is loose (top layer) from the base but it is not splitting or opening. And very sensitive. That may be another story when it does open. Gotta type with one hand.

Sterling is a computer animation artist. Does mostly commercials. Did do re-enactment of traffic accidents to help the jury understand the situation. She needs to be able to use her hands. Any ideas about Revlon paying her more?
I'm just guessing here but is toluene in that nail polish remover? That could be some pretty bad stuff; it's a flammable liquid & will cause the skin to dry out. Don't know about the burning though?
I'm sorry to hear about your Sister.

I am wondering if old nail polish remover has some uses that new does not- being as how it is very strong.

Sounds like something good to go in the next batch of Kikapoo Joy Juice.
45-70 said:
Sounds like something good to go in the batch of jungle juice.

"Man, this stuff sure burns going down. What did you say is in it?"

Rusty said:
Should be an acetone base. I think?

You're correct, Rusty... my bad! I apologize! Got my old model glue & nail polish remover mixed up. They're both pretty bad stuff & very flammable.
PZ93C said:
"Man, this stuff sure burns going down. What did you say is in it?"


(In his best little girl voice...)

Jesus Juice...