old mule teams?

Mar 17, 2008
Hey guys I think the mule team project is a great idea. Unfortunately I am late to the show and have missed out on most of them. Do you think Spyderco will start up again from the beginning? I'm pretty bummed I missed out on the s90V and M4, as I feel its the best chance to try the super steels out at an affordable price.

Just to make clear I'm not whining or anything just curious if they'll be offered again.
I doubt it. IMHO, there are too many other exotic steels out there that one or more of the steel devotees are lobbying for and I'm sure a few Sal himself wants to see tested, for Spyderco to do re-runs.
There really would be no reason to start all over again. My recommendation if you want to get some of the ones from the past is to start a thread in the wanted to buy section of the exchange here. You could also scour auction sites, etc. There are plenty of knives out there, jut have to know how to get them.
The cost of going back and re-running small numbers of these would be a killah... :(