One Hell of a day! Khuk material included....

Originally posted by Rusty

No it hasn't. It's just self selecting. People get tired of fighting a losing battle and find places to move to where justice is still the status quo. Outside the cities in small town Idaho, Montana, Nevada, etc. To find out if a place is worth living in check out the Sherrif's Office. If it's full of Law Enforcement Officers, move on. If the Sheriff and most of his deputies think of themselves as Officers of the Peace, buy property.

How do you tell if the Sheriff and his deputies are Officers of The Peace? What do you do/say?

Much Thanks, I have no idea!
Walker River Tribal Police Chief Ray East during a traffic stop yesterday ( Tuesday ):

"Hi - are you Nicole Timmons?" ( East )

"Yes I am, and I want to go home!" ( girl )

"That's exactly where you're going, little lady." ( East )

If you hadn't kept up with the news, a young girl named Nicole Timmons had been kidnapped late Monday in California.

Think of a Peace Officer as a fireman wearing a cop suit. He's not there to write a gazzillion tickets. He's there to keep things quiet and peaceable and friendly like. If you remember the old Andy Griffith or Mayberry RFD show that's the general idea.
Wow, I thought I was the only who made a distinction between "Keepers of the Peace" and " Law Enforcement Officers." I remember when (and I 'm not old, really) when police were called Peace Officers. What happened and when did it happen? I guess promotions are based on your "numbers" and by keeping to the strict SOP you avoid lawsuits. Sad, really:(
-SB (Jim)
What this boils down to for me is there are human beings everywhere, in all walks of life. Some of them are cops, though that is difficult to believe from those of us who've been abused by ignorant bullies wearing uniforms....

Perhaps I'll be accused of bigotry. You know, there are so many damn fine people in America and on the seems impossible, the odds are against it, but even in the Age of The Fall of Rome, Chapter Two, they are there.

We play the odds. Not everyone can be his best all the time. Most of us keep trying. Sometimes good men act badly, that doesn't make them bad men.

I'm lucky. My local law enforcement want to see people armed. Yes, it may be hard to believe for this long worn wierdo, but they like me.


Originally posted by munk
What this boils down to for me is there are human beings everywhere, in all walks of life. Some of them are cops, though that is difficult to believe from those of us who've been abused by ignorant bullies wearing uniforms....

Perhaps I'll be accused of bigotry. You know, there are so many damn fine people in America and on the seems impossible, the odds are against it, but even in the Age of The Fall of Rome, Chapter Two, they are there.

We play the odds. Not everyone can be his best all the time. Most of us keep trying. Sometimes good men act badly, that doesn't make them bad men.

I'm lucky. My local law enforcement want to see people armed. Yes, it may be hard to believe for this long worn wierdo, but they like me.


That's great! Good insight too. I really hate it when all the people you know are Sheeple and the police are just uniformed bullies out for their power fix...
