Opinions: 0550, 0350, 0200

Thanks for all the input everyone. After considering the amount of mid-sized folders I already own I pulled the trigger on an 0200ST Blem to fill the "monster folder" niche.

What if there was a blackwashed 0550? I know I would buy it in a second. *hint to Kai Corp.* :D
People I work with doesn't often go on the internet (they're country boys). Doubt all you wish, I know for a fact it happened to a number of us.

so what your saying is; out of all the tens of thousands out there, (assuming the amount of corrupt models you have heard of firsthand is around 10) you know of ten that don't lock up? ;)
People I work with doesn't often go on the internet (they're country boys). Doubt all you wish, I know for a fact it happened to a number of us.
Just because you and your friends don't get on the Internet often, doesn't mean millions of others don't and they all have the possibility to see the "known issues" that the 0200 supposedly has.
It's one thing to be a die hard defender of KAI's quality in knives (Which I have been doing on and off forum), it's something else to ignore the concept that every human crafted creations has it's own quirks that people will have to deal with regardless on if it's few or in the thousands.

Lets move on, it's not going to change the fact the 0200 has locking issues regardless of the numbers just like the 0560 has the sticky lock issue also regardless of the numbers.
I think that the point is that a few examples out of thousands made do not qualify as a known issue with the model.

No one is saying a few 0200s don't have problems, just that it's not an epidemic.
it's not going to change the fact the 0200 has locking issues regardless of the numbers just like the 0560 has the sticky lock issue also regardless of the numbers.
If you want to take it further, you could say that any folder ever made by any manufacturer would fall into the issues category.
It does not have to be epidemic just to be a known issue. Once something happens to a product experienced by a number of folks (again, small or large), it becomes "known". Why are some folks taking this out of context? It's as simple as A-B-C, once something happens to folks, they start knowing about it. Now that we've all talked about it, now you guys know about it. As simple as that, nothing more. All we have to do is go, "Ah so that's the 0200's particular quirk to keep an eye out, no matter if it's few in number, at least we now know about it. Okay dokay, moving on."

And KAI, that's why I said "every products has its particular quirks" which seems to be beyond some members understanding in here. I just so happen to point out to one for the community to be aware of and I am in no way diminishing the value of the 0200.

I'm out of this thread. I have more productive use of my time and more knives to abuse out there in the field. Over and out.
It does not have to be epidemic just to be a known issue. Once something happens to a product experienced by a number of folks (again, small or large), it becomes "known". Why are some folks taking this out of context? It's as simple as A-B-C, once something happens to folks, they start knowing about it. Now that we've all talked about it, now you guys know about it. As simple as that, nothing more. All we have to do is go, "Ah so that's the 0200's particular quirk to keep an eye out, no matter if it's few in number, at least we now know about it. Okay dokay, moving on."

And KAI, that's why I said "every products has its particular quirks" which seems to be beyond some members understanding in here. I just so happen to point out to one for the community to be aware of and I am in no way diminishing the value of the 0200.

I'm out of this thread. I have more productive use of my time and more knives to abuse out there in the field. Over and out.

The issue is that the statements such as "known issues" and "it's not going to change the fact the 0200 has locking issues" Seem to elude to a larger scale issue. Making general blanket statements tends to place blame on the product as a whole and not the few knives you have experienced with the issue. I dont think anyone is disputing your claims but rather your choice of descriptive words that at one point seem to generalize the 0200 as having "known issues" yet it seems to only be "known" in your circle of friends. But we arent dealing with your circle of friends. And in that case saying "known issues in my circle of friends" is a better choice of words. Also, though your friends may not use the internet millions of others do. They will come on the forum, read your statements and wonder what these "known issues" are and why its the first they are hearing about them from a guy who supposedly wants to "beat the crap" as you put it out of a knife that has locking issues. I would have to recommend you get your knife serviced if that is indeed the situation.

Either way making statements like this many would find irresponsible and irrational if you are speaking of a few isolated incidents and doesn't quantify the 0200 as a whole. I know your keep SAYING that that is not what you meant yet you continue to use the words that elude to it. Bottom line is you're getting testy with many members hear for defending KAI on the basis of a technicality in your wording when everyone with two brain cells and a pair of eyes knows that that isn't how the majority of people will read into your comments. People will read your words and immediately take them in regards to their best known uses of the phrase "known Issues" and as such the perception of the "problem" as you think it is will be amplified because of how the majority of come to understand that phrase. Virtually no one is going to question your implied usage of the phrase in another context simply because that is what you meant. So while you may feel many people fail to see your words as you intended them, maybe you have to ask yourself if that might just be because you chose your words poorly.