I’ve still received no direct contact or explanation from Paul (De Oppresso Liber) since his last email quoted in my original post here. Still nothing on the serial number of the money order, when he sent it, or how he sent it.
The comment he makes above about my being out of town for the holidays is a joke. I emailed him three times the week before I left with no response, and I had uninterrupted email access via my wife’s laptop for the four days I was out of town. He made no attempt to let me know what was going on then, and still has made no more attempt at explanation than what you see in his posts above. I can’t know for sure whether he sent the MO or not, but from what he’s said so far, it seems just as likely that his comments are CYA, since he knows he can’t be exposed without proof. If there’s any truth to what he says, on the other hand, to me all he’s shown is how obnoxious his communication skills truly are.
In any event, his actions toward me (and lack thereof) certainly leave me feeling the same way I did when I first posted here. I have to agree with Ira --“walks like a, talks like a”-- unless I see something definitive to prove otherwise. And at this point even if the money order showed up—which I find really hard to believe will happen—I’d not want to deal with this guy again. I consider his suggestion that I wait until he gets a “refund” and then accept a Paypal payment—when he knows I don’t do Paypal—to be just more empty blustering.
As far as I'm concerned, the deal is terminated, and I'm finished with this.
Thanks again to all who posted, for helping clear the air, and at least now everyone is free to draw his own conclusions from the info available here.