• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request
  • Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah from all of us here on BladeForums! We hope that your holidays are filled with cheer!

Order of KAI sign-up thread - OPEN SIGN-UP

May 6, 2011
Welcome to Order of KAI sign-up thread


How to make a sig line CLICK HERE

If I miss adding you, PM me.

Please read this before posting, if you dont understand it read it again or if you have any questions PM or email me or jimw451.

#000 - Is given to Pete Kershaw, the beginning.
#001 - Reserved for ThomasW
#002-003 Currently reserved for forum Mods
Honorary Life Members

- KershawLynda

Points Thread If you are using knives for Points please post the pics here with you user name in the pic. If you dont need the knives for points for entry you can still post up your pics.

Bare Minimum Requirements:
- Own 1 Kershaw, 1 ZT or 1 Shun knife
- Have at least 50 Post in the Kershaw Sub-Forum
- Follow the Kode of Konduct.
- Score 12 points

Score 12 points:

1 point for every 4 Kershaws owned.
1 point for every 1 ZT owned.
1 point for every Shun owned.
1 point for every "Knife of the Year" owned. CLICK HERE FOR Knife of the Year thread
1/2 point for every "Limited Edition knife" Kershaw or ZT owned (LE is a model produced in a limited # or is now hard to find, 0350CB, Tilt, 1670ANN, etc)
1 point for every year of BF membership.
1 point for every 200 posts.
1 point for every 50 posts of value in the Kershaw section. Click your name at top of screen, select the "post area" tab. ( “Ok”,”cool”,”:yawn:” are not of value)
1 point for every 10 threads of a positive nature started in the Kershaw section. (Please post threads of content)
New Limits1 point for a recommendation from a current club member MAX 3 points- There is a cost! If point is accepted sig line must be Pink for 1 week per rec. point Rep points are meant to help get a member in who others feel are worthy before reaching the point requirements.
1 point for a paid BF membership.
2 points for a gold BF membership.
3 Points for Platinum & Craftsmen memberships.
5 Points for Dealer membership
9 Points for Pirate membership
3 points for visiting the Kershaw factory. (3 points Max)
1 point for attending Kershaw events (Blade, SHOT, etc.)
3 points for a whole collection of model or series (Own every Leek, ZT0350 or own every CB, or every Blue Kershaw, etc)
NEW 1/2 per year for serving in our nations military.

- We will ask for picture verification for the Knife Points and the Kershaw Factory. Put your username in the knife pics, on a sticky note or something.
- No paid membership requirements

We are not officially endorsed by KAI. They have agreed to let have this group but they asked for some rules. So here we go...

Kai Kode of Konduct:
"No Offensive Language"
"No Offensive Images"

Our Kode of Konduct
"No whining, crying, complaining or out right blubbering, this is a respectable group!"

Read these if you haven't already. http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/1072088-Read-Prior-to-Posting-First-Looks-Delivery-Dates-%28ETA-s%29-Production-Numbers


How to sign up:
1. Check that you qualify by referring to the requirements above, if you meet the requirements read on.
2. If you qualify, you can post a Picture in the Points thread of your KAI knives. Also post you point totals there also. Only post once in each of these threads. (link to points thread coming soon, Points thread not up yet)
3. Then Post here and include:
A. How many points you have or that you meet the points required
B. Your post # from the Points Thread. If you are using points from knives to qualify a pic MUST be posted (in the Points Thread) to receive these points, please have your username in the pic. Order-Of-KAI-Points-Thread!
C. State that you agree to follow the “Kode of Konduct”
D. If you want to request a number include that too.
Example: “I want to be a disciple under the Rule of KAI. My point count is 25, my point post is #11. I agree to the Kode of Konduct. Id like to request #45" or "Im in, point post #33"

- First Order Sub-Zero group. Toxic CF Green Frankenblurers - indicated by Toxic Green Name

If you have questions PM one of the Janitors. We will be updating post and doing what ever else may need done, we are the "Janitors" who keep clean the ever evolving Order of KAI

Order of KAI member list:
Reminder: if you need a few knife points to have 12 points to post those pics with your name in them.

#0000 - Pete Kershaw, the beginning.
#0001 - Reserved
#0002 - Reserved
#0003 - Reserved
#0004 - jonnymac44
#0005 - 2brothers
#0006 - kneedeep
#0007 - KershawGuy
#0008 - SPXTrader
#0009 - svrider3
#0010 - PG5768
#0011 - Morrow
#0012 - Temporarily Reserved
#0013 - Temporarily Reserved
#0014 - jimw451 - Janitor
#0015 - OldSarSwmr
#0016 - EagleScouter
#0017 - TX180SX
#0018 - mqqn
#0019 - flarp
#0020 - crackedblade
#0021 - Tony8179
#0022 - SOLEIL
#0023 - wobly
#0024 - mmkjohnson1
#0025 - jhyde7585
#0026 - xICEMANx
#0027 - MrFoo
#0028 - Daniel Dorn
#0029 - Avira
#0030 - tobotech
#0031 - mrn8 - 33
#0032 - Chris Pierce
#0033 - nevermind35
#0034 - KnottyEagle
#0035 - tecstar1
#0036 - Rival1314
#0037 - Guyon
#0038 -
#0039 - stevekolt
#0040 - AdioSS
#0041 - seelow123
#0042 - oregonknifenerd - Janitor
#0044 - sinsanity
#0045 - Cal45 Pending Pics
#0050 - 2shot
#0057 - BobSig - Janitor
#0064 - chris6464h
#0066 - roy06
#0069 - whateatsrabbits
#0075 - ono724
#0077 - SpyderPhreak
#0083 - ShepardCC
#0085 - solidorange - Janitor
#0088 - PGeo00
#0113 - bad_juju - Janitor
#0117 - NeverMore1701
#0123 - asm3686
#0129 - MDQBox
#0130 - ArchAngel
#0169 - TotalDbag
#0187 - Halfneck
#0210 - nwmetalbug
#0220 - Chester22
#0321 - sticktodrum
#0392 - gooeytek
#0521 - metsfan
#0550 - prelude92
#0560 - BrentD86
#0561 - mcraft
#0566 - Steel130
#0600 - Scurvy092
#0618 - stebolicious
#0712 - OvalmanPA
#0780 - scottabrandeberry
#0666 - greeenie
#0777 - rickdarris2004
#0820 - daveb068
#0888 - poolhustler
#1110 - DrOpPoInT1110
#1531 - Bear Claw Chris Lappe
#1760 - SpyKers
#1775 - glocktenman
#1824 - Lone_Wolfe
#1947 - freewheeling *
#1982 - kagato82
#1986 - Pharmagator
#3600 - BradT85
#7777 - 9blades
#9999 - Moxy *

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RESERVED for points compilin'

Okay, in this post I will attempt to keep track of the points per member. Please be patient and let me know of any changes via PM if needed. I copied Bob's current list of members and will track down points as read in the points thread. Work in progress, so bear with me for a little bit.

#0000 - Is given to Pete Kershaw, the beginning. - Infinity plus 1
#0001 - Reserved
#0002 - Reserved
#0003 - Reserved
#0004 - jonnymac44
#0005 - 2brothers - 247+
#0006 - kneedeep
#0007 - KershawGuy - ~200
#0008 - SPXTrader - ~150
#0009 - svrider3 - 49
#0010 - Temporarily Reserved
#0011 - Temporarily Reserved
#0012 - PG5768 - 60
#0013 - Morrow - loooooong time to count
#0014 - jimw451 - 81
#0015 - OldSarSwmr - 37.5+
#0016 - EagleScouter - 13.5
#0017 - TX180SX - 14
#0018 - mqqn - 41
#0019 - flarp - 16.75
#0020 - crackedblade - 23.5
#0021 - Tony8179
#0022 - SOLEIL - pending pics 38
#0023 - wobly - 13.25
#0024 - mmkjohnson1 - 12+
#0025 - jhyde7585 - 26
#0026 - xICEMANx - 13
#0027 - MrFoo - 12
#0028 - Daniel Dorn - 45
#0029 - Avira - 12.25
#0030 - tobotech - 12
#0031 - mrn8 - 33
#0032 - Chris Pierce - 29
#0033 - nevermind35 - 44
#0034 - KnottyEagle - 13.5
#0035 - tecstar1 - 16.5
#0036 - Rival1314 - 12
*#0038 - northend816 - 30.25
#0039 - stevekolt - 18
#0040 - AdioSS - 12
#0041 - seelow123 - 17
#0042 - oregonknifenerd - 20+
#0044 - sinsanity - 18
#0045 - Cal45 - pending pics 13
#0050 - 2shot - 20
#0057 - BobSig - 60
#0064 - chris6464h - 21.5
#0066 - roy06 - 23.5
#0069 - whateatsrabbits - 16
#0075 - ono724 - 20.5
#0077 - SpyderPhreak - 28.1
#0083 - ShepardCC - 13
*#0084 - dishcore - 12.5
#0085 - solidorange - 47.5
#0088 - PGeo00 - 23
#0113 - bad_juju - pending pics 26.5
#0117 - NeverMore1701 - 22
#0123 - asm3686 - 15
#0129 - MDQBox - 15
#0130 - ArchAngel - 45.75
#0169 - TotalDbag - 12
#0187 - Halfneck -
#0200 - VENI VIDI VICI - 13.5
#0210 - nwmetalbug - 12+
#0220 - Chester22 - over 12
#0321 - sticktodrum - 30
#0350 - Bellyededge -
#0392 - gooeytek - 38
*#0521 - metsfan - 16.4
#0550 - prelude92 - 12
#0560 - BrentD86 - 20
#0561 - mcraft - 20
#0566 - Steel130 - 17.5
*#0582 - golof - 19
#0600 - Scurvy092 - 28
#0618 - stebolicious - 16
#0666 - greeenie - 13
#0712 - Reserved
#0720 - DEATHBYF1RE - 13
#0777 - rickdarris2004 - 12
#0780 - scottabrandeberry - 36
#0820 - daveb068 - 17
#0888 - poolhustler - 22.25
#1110 - DrOpPoInT1110 - 23
#1531 - Bear Claw Chris Lappe - 93
#1760 - SpyKers - 13
*#1775 - glocktenman - 16.5
#1824 - Lone_Wolfe - 30
#1947 - freewheeling - 12
#1982 - kagato82 - 13.25
#1986 - Pharmagator - 106
*#3600 - BradT85 - 13.25
#7777 - 9blades - 63.25
#9999 - Moxy - 18.25
*#???? - Gunne - needs a math check or points reppin or a poetry challenge maybe?

* - this merely indicates a new addition to let Bob know to add to the main list. They will be updated and cleared of the * every time he updates. Just FYI. Thanks!
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I want to be a disciple under the Rule of KAI. I agree to the Kode of Konduct. Id like to request #0220 ...
I'm in and if possible #7 or 10, no biggie though. Looks like I will come in somewhere around 200 points. No Complaining ? Really ? OK, I guess.
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Sheesh this is complicated lol

How do I know if I own a knife of the year?

I'm 99.9% sure I'm in so dibs on #45 :D

Also, how do I know how many post/threads I have in each section?
I agree to the Kode of Konduct. I wish to be a disciple under the Rule of KAI. I'll need to take some pics and do some calculating but I'm dead sure I qualify. Member number doesn't matter as someone else already asked for 45:thumbup:
Im in, I agree, gotta check my point value....can I earn points for having pimped 50+ kershaws/ZTs? also-got dibbs on 007 if possible (same request in logo contest:-) Pics to be rounded up soon.
I guess Ill join and I guess Ill follow the Kode of Konduct :rolleyes: Calling #0057

Points Post #4
I have 40+ points
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I will join the order, I agree to the kode of konduct. #50 for me thanks. Do we post pictures in this thread?
I like the kode of konduct :thumbup: I would like to join and be number 069

I want to be a disciple under the Rule of KAI. My point count is 16, my point post is #15. I agree to the Kode of Konduct. Id like to request #069.
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My point count is 20,5, my point post is #8.
I want to be enrolled in to the order of KAI and will follow the Kai Kode of Konductt. I will also adhere the" no whining" philosophy.
A low number would be nice.
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Suppose I'm in too and will abide by all entailed. Does this include posts in the pirates cove? :D Please reserve #712 The points thing will be when I get to it. I'm in with just knives though I believe seeings how I have all of the 0350s but one or two. lol