if the iraqi army and civilian people get it into there head that they are fighting for IRAQ then the allies could be in big trouble.
i suspect the campaign when it starts will be 4-5 hundred cruise missiles and massive bombing, hopeing to cause the iraqi army and civilians to turn on saddam. however if this does not happen which i think is a fifty fifty chance, then the ground troops will have to fight it out, this will result in a minimum 10% casualty rate for allied troops and that is a normal death rate for a normal type battle situation. 200,000 allied troops = twenty thousand casualties.
a frightening possability.
let us remember the casualty rate in the battle for kuwait was onehundred thousand plus on the iraqi side. and thankfully very light on ours.
however this will be a totaly differrent situation if they fight, it could be street fighting which usaualy results in high mortalities on both sides, up to 40% . so it all depends on if the iraqis stand and fight. they might not like saddam much, but they love there country so i would rate the chances of all out war as 70-30 . so lets keep our fingers crossed and hope they decide not to fight.
as for all this crap about innocent civilians being in harms way, think on it WHAT ARE GUYS AN GALS IN THE ARMY. civilians with khaki clothes on. once war is declared poloticians need to butt out and let the armed forces fight to win. the allied forces are honourable men
most ,and would not target civilians on purpose. but as in this case in iraq SADDAM SADDAM has pput his own civilian population in harms way by placing troops and weapons of war in amongst his civilions so as to use them as a human shield. god bless all the men and women in the allied forces especialy. but also all the poor iraqi guys and gals just doing there duty. but this iraqi war i am afraid must be fought, or if we stand back and do nothing, the next situation which is 100 times more dangerous korea, will prompt the nth koreans to take foolish risks assuming if we do nothing to stop saddam, why would they have to worry. leading to possibly all out war with nth korea.