OT: Whats your favorite SHTF Handgun and why?

Glock .40 paired with an AR15....

(I'm currently Busseless) but my modified KZII (now with another owner) would be hard to leave at home.

The Busse void is filled currently by a few HI kukri and some customs.


Lots of sweet firearms here :thumbsup:

For me

Saint Edge
Glock 19x
RMJ Shrike 13
Emerson Tiger

I do shoot my CZs a bit better but going with mag availablity and ALS holster to skiddadle. Hunkering down at home it would by my 75bd or SP01...
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hey guys checkout my latest acquisition, well about 3 months ago. I could not pass it up. It is near mint condition. A 1953 Smith 357 magnum before they were called model 27. The original 357. With original box


Those are very well-balanced (6” bbl) and nicely finished—excellent snag. Wish I had mine back—tuned action, crisp hair trigger in S/A mode with white outline/red ramp and Mustang grips. Tack driver.
Yeah, I have an 80's model 27 that is a tack driver. Love that gun. When I saw this pre mod 27 it was to nice to pass up. I doubt it has had more than 50-100 rounds through it. Found it at a local store. It has no outline on sites as this is before that stuff came about. Black sights.
Glock .40 paired with an AR15....


not to side track, but what is this one?!

I know an AR would be probably the best Fecal flung at rotary device rifle. But I truly despise the platform after my time in Iraq. I own 1, and only one “just in case” as I know parts and ammo is plentiful.
One or the other, but a .44 special will do it

255 grain hardcast keith loads would serve any purpose and have history. Lead can be made and handloaded. Simple single action built to last.



Also proven, not too big, not too small, and a multi-functional tool

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One or the other, but a .44 special will do it

255 grain hardcast keith loads would serve any purpose and have history. Lead can be made and handloaded. Simple single action built to last.



Also proven, not too big, not too small, and a multi-functional tool


GP100 is an awesome gun. My buddy handloads 44 specials and loaded up some 240 swc's at 1100 fps for my 44 mag. They feel so soft and hit pretty hard.
"A handgun on your waist is worth more than your AK in your truck"

had a real life incident of this about 3 years ago.

was at a waffle house with a friend at about 8:30 after we left the rock climbing gym.

We were sitting there eating, couple of "redneck" types come in and almost immediately zero in on my friend and start making comments about how he looks calling him gay and all sorts of names. No idea why but they did.

Told them to F off.

Big dude starts going on about how he used to beat up homos like us for fun.

Then he says the magic line...."IF i had my gun with me id kill you and dump you in a swamp"

i lifted my shirt and said "is your gun anything like this one?"

they high tailed it out so fast and sped off in their junky ass truck never to be seen again.
not to side track, but what is this one?!

I know an AR would be probably the best Fecal flung at rotary device rifle. But I truly despise the platform after my time in Iraq. I own 1, and only one “just in case” as I know parts and ammo is plentiful.

Custom by Geidymin Kapuscinski. Polish maker. Makes some really wicked looking blades.

Got this one second hand.

He is on here, and instagram and facebook.
Yeah, I have an 80's model 27 that is a tack driver. Love that gun. When I saw this pre mod 27 it was to nice to pass up. I doubt it has had more than 50-100 rounds through it. Found it at a local store. It has no outline on sites as this is before that stuff came about. Black sights.

My 1977 Model 27 is pretty clean as well. Great shooters, but almost too nice to shoot.